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这就像是给卡通配音的声优。This is like a voiceover for a cartoon character.

她晚上去听配音课,对配音事业情有独钟。Bernstein took voiceover classes at night and loved it.

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在第二个幻灯片,配音谈到凯撒大帝。On the second slide, the voiceover talks about Julius Caesar.

故事因为话外音的阐释而变得非常荒唐。The story becomes absolutely insane through a voiceover 's interpretation it.

另外配音的例子,我们可以看到配音演员如果可能的话,你会使用。Also voiceover examples so we can see the voice talent you will use if possible.

在本片的一个场景中,超人悬浮在地球之上,观众听到他那位外星父亲的画外音。In one scene, as Superman floats above the Earth, we hear his alien father in a voiceover.

在影片开头的画外音里,黄小仙就评价王小贱称其性取向不明。In a voiceover at the beginning of the film Huang remarks on Wang's unclear sexuality identity.

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女演员告诉伯恩斯坦关于广播和配音工作的事情,并把自己老师的联系方式给了伯恩斯坦。She told Bernstein about radio and voiceover work and gave her the name of her teacher to contact.

迷路了吗?向你正在经过的空间站问一问方向吧。他们会在完全的画外音中高兴地帮助你。Lost? Ask the station you are flying past for directions. They will be happy to assist you in full voiceover.

这导致到早矢香以画外音说,当时他们就约,然后成为一个被遗忘的闪回解释。Which leads into Sayaka explaining by voiceover that they'd forgotten about that time, which then becomes a flashback.

法国电视上现在播出的欧宝汽车的广告配上了德语的画外音,就连在巴黎德语也已经成为效率的标志。On French TV, Opel car adverts are now broadcast with the voiceover in German, now a signifier of efficiency even in Paris.

我需要一个专业的男性配音艺术家谁讲一口流利的卡纳达语和泰米尔语,记录16秒的音频剪辑。I need a professional male voiceover artist who speaks fluent Kannada and Tamil languages to record 16 seconds of audio clips.

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这位线人表示周日明镜报还聘请了一位语音辅助师来模仿这些名人,这样他们才能获得新闻。The source claimed the Sunday Mirror hired a voiceover artist to imitate famous people in order to get information about them.

化外录音像游客们展示了未来现代化的个人交通工具,高速公路和环形飞机场。A voiceover recording entranced people with its promises of an urban Shangri-La filled with personal vehicles superhighways and circular airports.

商业广告,广播,电视,电影,视频游戏和企业宣传片中的配音艺术家同样需要演技,而这份工作中巨大的竞争可能会让你望而生畏。As with acting, the competition for the voiceover work you hear in commercials, radio, TV, film, video games, and corporate videos can be daunting.

化外录音像游客们展示了未来现代化的个人交通工具,高速公路和环形飞机场。A voiceover recording entranced people with its promises of an urban Shangri-La filled with personal vehicles, superhighways, and circular airports.

我们将开发所有的故事书故事情节和插图,以及源配音人才和任何声音效果和背景音乐的要求。We would develop all storyline and illustrations for the storybooks, as well as source voiceover talent and any sound effects and background music required.

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那人真是一个非常厉害的语音辅助师,他可以模仿成名人,即使不行他也可以模仿成那些名人的律师或者和名人有关的人。He was such a god of a voiceover artist that he could pretend to be famous people or failing that he'd pretend to be their lawyer or someone related to them.

在影视作品中,画外音应起到展示、塑造影片的画外空间,丰富镜头的信息量。In film-video works, the voiceover is expected to express and sculpture the out space of the film, and to enrich the quantity of the information of the scene.

在第二个幻灯片,配音谈到凯撒大帝。图像可以在凯撒大帝过渡。然后重复整个演示文稿中的每个幻灯片的过程。On the second slide, the voiceover talks about Julius Caesar. An image could transition in of Julius Caesar. Then repeat the process for each slide throughout the presentation.