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做环境生意是很难正确把握的。The environment biz is fickle.

所以我去和艾夫与比孜一起工作。So, I went to work with Ev and Biz.

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我们应该花多少代价请一个业务拓展副总裁?What should we pay a vp of biz dev?

他去美国是为了学习企业管理。He went to A so as to learn biz mgt.

比孜·斯通几个月后也加入了进来。Biz Stone was joining in a few months.

成龙在娱乐圈是很成功的演员。Jackey Chan is a successful actor in show biz.

没有人能站起来我的商业我自己塘。No one can get up on my biz i do my own thang.

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哦,我爸爸和妈妈,他们非常热爱演艺事业。Oh, my dad and my mom, they loved show biz so much.

清凉商务的起源实践了小池所推崇的计划。Theprogenitor of Cool Biz practices what she preaches.

演艺事业突然一落千丈,他便借酒浇愁。His show biz suddenly drop, so he abreact depend on alcohol.

他们所要做的其实就是在居家企业里实习一个周末。All they have to do is intern at your home biz for a weekend.

她还没有不行,在演艺界她还是很活跃的呢。Yeah, she is not a goner. She's still active in the show biz.

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“难道苹果公司的市场营销或业务开发部门中没有一个女人吗?”"Are there NO women in the Marketing or Biz Dev department of Mac?

安迪,道格和西拉斯考虑在大麻的商业伙伴关系。Andy, Doug and Silas contemplate a partnership in the cannabis biz.

我开始演艺事业是在大概九岁十岁。Well, I basical1y got started in show biz by the time I was about nine or ten.

台北皇家商务酒店方便地位于市中心,著名的蒋介石纪念馆和各种美味佳肴的附近。Royal biz taipei hotel is conveniently located on the Zhongzheng district of Taipei City.

一帮阅读财经书籍的人正在800-CEO-READ网站收集有关你最爱的财经书籍的故事。The biz book guys at 800-CEO-READ are collecting stories about your favorite business books.

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酒店专设“商务直通车”为下榻的商旅贵宾提供特殊的优质服务。We specially offer special high-quality service for business man through the "Biz Express ".

现在我正在挑战其他一些权威和商业作家,他们也说从自己的祖母那里学到很多东西。I'm challenging other gurus and biz authors to 'fess up' on their grandmothers' contributions.

我和比兹·斯通手下的另一个程序设计师,得到了两周时间来编写软件。I was given two weeks and one other programmer in Biz Stone to write the software. And we did it.