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他是个很有天赋的作曲家。He is a highly gifted composer.

莫扎特是一位古典乐派作曲家。Mozart is a classical composer.

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作者是谁So who is the composer of that?

他是一个作曲家和即兴演奏者。He is a composer and improviser.

这首歌是谁谱的曲?Who is the composer of the song?

他还是作曲家和编曲者。He is also a composer and arranger.

作曲家为一首十四行诗谱了曲。The composer set a sonnet to music.

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弗朗兹?舒伯特是一位奥地利作曲家。Franz Schubert was an Austrian composer.

你知道它的词曲作者是谁吗?Do you know its composer and its songwriter?

美丽的景色使作曲家灵思泉涌。The beautiful scenery inspired the composer.

此外他也是个活跃的作曲家。He is also active as a composer and arranger.

新加坡诗人,作曲家。Quek Yong Siu, poet and composer in Singapore.

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这就是作曲家陈其钢的梦想。This is the very dream of composer Chen Qigang.

它们都是作曲家真情实感的写照。It is created from the raw emotion of a composer

黄金广场曾任教的作曲家乔治格什温。Goldmark had taught the composer George Gershwin.

蒙蒂维迪是第一个伟大的歌剧作曲家。Monteverdi was the first great operatic composer.

曲作者,谁知道刚刚这段乐曲的作曲是谁The composer-- Anybody know the composer of this?

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萨列里与莫扎特是同时代的人。The composer Salieri was contemporary with Mozart.

是这个歌曲作家为那只流行歌曲写的词。The music by that composer is always so melodious.

诗章表现作者的智慧和设计。A poem shows the wisdom and design of the composer.