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书法作品真伪鉴别。Verification of calligraphy works.

但是还缺乏更深的验证。But deeper verification is lacking.

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这就是预测的根据That is verification of a prediction.

评分表评定伤情的验证。Verification of wound in scoring scale.

确认后是否对板子再次进行测试?Are boards re-tested after verification?

所有功能最终的确认。Final verification of all functionality.

考虑并不很常见的验证点Consider not-so-common verification points

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请输入正确的附加码。Please input the correct Verification Code.

一切都要经过核实。This has everything to do with verification.

优秀的系统验证测试人员应该具备哪些素质?What makes a good system verification tester?

再输一遍超级用户密码确认一下。Enter the root password again for verification.

在可访问性验证测试中使用的工具Tools used in accessibility verification testing

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处理计量器具外部检定或校准业务。To handle outside gage verification or calibration.

一封确认邮件在你注册后会发去你的邮箱里。A verification email is sent to you upon registration.

乘客须出示信用咭以便核实。Passengers show credit card for verification purposes.

第一个确认点是一个直接的比较。The first verification point is a straight comparison.

资产评估报告和验资报告。Asset appraisal report and capital verification report.

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下步将键入您的电子邮件证明代码。The next step is to enter your email verification code.

没有安全门定期校验及试验记录。No periodic verification and test record on safety valves.

她录制了她的确认点,并且完成了此次测试。She records her verification points and finishes the test.