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他们航行通过比斯开湾。They sailed through the Bay of Biscay.

大西洋的比斯开湾有时也会巨浪汹涌。The Bay of Biscay can be very rough at times.

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法国中西部一低洼地区,濒临比斯开湾。A low-lying region of west central france on the bay of biscay.

拉罗切利法国西部一城市,位于图尔斯西南、比斯开湾沿岸。A city of western France on the Bay of Biscay southwest of Tours.

大块的沉积物穿透了巴里卡的雾,巴里卡是位于西班牙比斯开湾的一座小城。Slabs of sediment puncture the fog at Barrika, a Spanish town on the Bay of Biscay.

值得庆幸的是,我们终于向西航行了足够远,现在可以开始向南进军比斯开湾了。Thankfully we had finally travelled far enough west to really begin for the south and into Biscay.

英国,法国,爱尔兰和西班牙联合起来宣布了他们对凯尔特海和比斯开湾的主权。Thus Britain, France, Ireland and Spain have jointly made a claim in the Celtic sea and the Bay of Biscay.

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吉伦法国西南的一个港湾,由加龙河与多尔多涅河形成的,通往比斯开湾。An estuary of southwest France formed by the Garonne and Dordogne rivers and opening into the Bay of Biscay.

贝凡的父母于1848年移民澳大利亚,但是在1866年比斯开湾的海难中去世。Bevan's parents had emigrated to Australia in 1848, but were killed in a shipwreck in the Bay of Biscay in 1866.

几个世纪以来,勇敢的巴斯克水手就已经航行到比斯开湾的外海去冒险,比斯开湾汹涌的海浪不断地拍击他们家乡的土地。For centuries, bold Basque sailors have ventured out on the seas that crash on their homeland in the Bay of Biscay.

西班牙西北部城镇,位于比斯开湾入口处。是一海港及工业中心。人口89,992。A town of northwest Spain on an inlet of the Bay of Biscay. It is a port and an industrial center. Population, 89,992.

法国西南部一城市,位于西班牙边界附近的比斯开湾。它是时髦的旅游地。人口2',598。A city of southwest France on the Bay of Biscay near the Spanish border. It is a fashionable resort. Population, 2', 598.

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比亚里茨法国西南部一城市,位于西班牙边界附近的比斯开湾。它是时髦的旅游地。人口26,598。A city of southwest France on the Bay of Biscay near the Spanish border. It is a fashionable resort. Population, 26, 598.

西班牙北部一城市,位于比斯开湾附近。建于公元300年,是主要港口和工业中心。人口397,54。A city of northern Spain near the Bay of Biscay. Founded c. 300, it is a major port and industrial center. Population, 397,54.

这项研究发现更好的控制在法国和西班牙之间的北海,波罗的海,比斯开湾仍然需要。The study found that better controls are still needed in the North Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Bay of Biscay between France and Spain.

拉罗切利法国西部一城市,位于图尔斯西南、比斯开湾沿岸。16世纪曾是胡格诺教派的堡垒。人口75,840。A city of western France on the Bay of Biscay southwest of Tours. It was a Huguenot stronghold in the16th century. Population, 75, 840.

这份研究发现,在北海,波罗的海和法国和西班牙之间的比斯开湾仍然需要更好的控制过度捕捞。The study found that better controls are still needed in the North Sea, the Baltic Sea , and the Bay of Biscay between France and Spain.

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法国西南部一城镇,位于比斯开湾和西班牙边界附近。法语、西班牙语和巴斯克语在当地通用。人口4,38。A town of southwest France near the Bay of Biscay and the Spanish border. French, Spanish, and Basque are all spoken here. Population, 4,38.

巴约讷法国西南部一城镇,位于比斯开湾和西班牙边界附近。法语、西班牙语和巴斯克语在当地通用。人口41,381。A town of southwest France near the Bay of Biscay and the Spanish border. French, Spanish, and Basque are all spoken here. Population, 41, 381.

2009年1月23日清晨,一场声势浩大的飓风袭击了法国,这场10年中威力最猛的风暴从比斯凯湾咆哮着长驱直入。In the early morning of 23 January 2009, the most powerful hurricane-force storm to hit France in a decade came howling in from the Bay of Biscay.