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善存甚至在配方中添加了蕃茄红素。Centrum even added lycopene to the formula.

结果91例病例,有336个椎体见压缩性骨折。Results In 91 cases, compression fractures was found in 336 centrum.

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模型组大鼠于T10椎体水平剪开椎板损伤脊髓。Spinal cord was injured by cutting vertebral plate at T10 centrum horizontally.

此次实验研究的是单个椎体的螺钉拔出力。This experiment researched the drawn force of the single centrum pedicle screws.

该所是保加利亚植物生理学与生物化学领域最主要的研究中心之一。It is a leading research centrum of plant physiology and biochemistry in Bulgaria.

自愿者的选择要求其平均年龄与病例组相匹配,体素位置选择在双侧半卵圆中心区。Control group included 26 healthy adult volunteers, the voxels were located at centrum semiovale.

随着椎体内脊索的闭合,脊索细胞从椎体迁移到椎间隙。As the notochord inside centrum close, notochord cell from centrum migratory to vertebra clearance.

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结论脑动脉粥样硬化及狭窄是半卵圆中心缺血发生的重要原因。Conclusion Cerebral atherosclerosis is an important pathogenesis of centrum ovale ischemic lesions.

母线是电力系统的中枢,它的可靠与否,直接影响系统的稳定运行。Bus line is the centrum of power system, whether it reliable directly influences system safe operation.

目的报告立体定向适形放射治疗椎体转移瘤的结果,并作临床分析。Objective To report and analyze the effects of stereotactic conformal radiotherapy for centrum metastases.

挥发烃对人的皮肤、眼睛及粘膜有一定刺激作用,并对人的中枢神经也有影响。Volatilized hydrocarbon has some of stimulation to skin, eye and mucosa, and a little effect on centrum nerve.

大脑作为人类的思维和控制中枢,有极其复杂的结构,其中密布繁杂的神经和血管。The brain is centrum of thinking and controlling, which has the complex structure, many nerve and blood vessel.

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脊索周鞘本身仍在软骨源性椎体的中心区,称为粘液状条。Itself of notochord week scabbard still is in the center of centrum of cartilage source sex area, call mucous account.

其次是因为骨质疏松导致的椎体变形,会出现身高缩短及驼背等。Osteoporosis will also result in deformation of centrum and hereby causes reduction of body height and crookback, etc.

其他来自骨膜的血管孔进入软骨,但不进入椎体骨化中央带。Other the hemal Kong Jin that comes from periosteum enters cartilage, but do not enter centrum ossification central belt.

为预防和治疗心脑血管疾病提供了一种新的选择,以满足临床不同需要。The capsule can be used for preventing and treating centrum cerebrovascular diseases to satisfy different clinical demand.

自从1978年善存就一向走在科学的前言,带给人们最前进前辈的营养撑持。Since 1978, Centrum has been on the leading edge of science, bringing you the most up-to-date and balanced nutritional support.

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文彦建筑哲学的系统中枢由建筑学与人类文化学交叉凝聚成基本支撑框架。The centrum of Fumihiko Maki's architectural philosophy system is constituted by the interaction of architecture and ethnology.

中原地处黄河中游,这既使其免遭史前洪水的极大破坏,又将其推向治理史前洪水组织中枢的位置。Located in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, this area naturally became the Centrum of the collective handlings of the floods.

椎体内的血管穿透软骨盘后与来自骨膜的血管形成吻合弓。The hemal and penetrable cartilage inside centrum dish hind form be identical bend with the blood-vessel that comes from periosteum.