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投资公司的成立将大大加快塞拉尼斯在中国的业务发展。The establishment will accelerate Celanese business development in China.

乳液是塞拉尼斯的重要业务部门。Emulsions is a core business of the performance chemicals arm of Celanese.

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塞拉尼斯因为优秀的技术知识及服务而闻名于世。Celanese is known globally for its superior technical knowledge and customer service.

数十年来,塞拉尼斯乳液一直位居西方优质涂料的中心位置。For decades, Celanese emulsions have been at the core of premium quality paints in the West.

作为全球化工业的领先者,塞拉尼斯公司生产的产品与人们的生活息息相关。As a global leader in the chemicals industry, Celanese makes products essential to everyday living.

塞拉尼斯是一家具有90年历史的化工公司,生产化工中间体及下游产品。Celanese has nearly 90 years of history as a manufacturer of intermediate and downstream chemical products.

塞拉尼斯在配合涂料商开发环境友好低VOC涂料上有很长的历史。Celanese has a long record of helping manufacturers formulate environmentally friendly coatings with low VOC content.

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低VOC木器涂料市场前景光明,塞拉尼斯丙烯酸乳液可帮助您顺应降低VOC的世界潮流。Low VOC wood coatings are the market of the future and Celanese acrylic emulsions enable you to capitalize on the reduced VOC trend.

在从接单到发货的全过程中确保订单高品质地执行。Primary duty is to ensure highest level of quality order fulfillment through order receipt to product delivery of Celanese products.

公司发展简史和共聚甲醛的标准品级以及特殊品级。The Paper introduces the brief developing history of Hoechst Celanese Corp. and its standard & specialty grades of acetal copolymer.

2007年,公司将乙酰基业务营运总部从美国迁往上海,管理全球乙酰基业务。In 2007, Celanese relocated the strategic management of its Acetyls business to Shanghai, to manage acetyls' global business functions.

介绍了引进的塞拉尼斯公司二手干燥设备存在的问题,提出改造方案。The existing problems of the second hand drying machine imported from Celanese are introduced and the modifying program is put forward.

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作为公司代表与客户及服务提供商合作,确保客户满意和取得适合的物流服务。Acts on behalf of Celanese with customers and service providers to ensure satisfied customers and proper provision of logistics services.

塞拉尼斯对所有业务部门都设置了极高的标准,力争不断改进我们的整体环境、健康、和安全成效。We continuously strive to improve our overall environmental, health, and safety performance by setting very high goals in all celanese businesses.

塞拉尼斯的丙烯酸乳液在保护木器免划伤和防渗的同时赋予水性清漆以高光泽装饰效果。Varnishes made with Celanese acrylic emulsions impart a high gloss decorative finish while still protecting the wood from damaging marks and spills.

塞拉尼斯是全球领先的聚合物乳液生产商,我们能生产用于涂料的VAE、醋丙、纯丙等乳液。Celanese is a worldwide leader in polymer emulsions and is proud to supply China with VAE, vinyl acrylic and acrylic emulsions for use in paints & coatings.

对塞拉尼斯而言,中国的重要战略意义不仅在于它是我们全球发展战略上的关键一环,同时也是公司未来发展的重要动力。China is a very important market for Celanese. It is a key link in our global business strategy and a significant contributor to our growth and development.

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塞拉尼斯素以卓越营运、可持续发展和顶尖的安全表现而著称,凭借一流技术为世界各地客户创造价值。Known for operational excellence, sustainability and premier safety performance, Celanese delivers value to customers around the globe with best-in-class technologies.

塞拉尼斯公司是全球特种材料和化学品生产的技术领先者,产品被广泛应用于工业和消费品领域。Celanese Corporation is a global technology leader in the production of specialty materials and chemical products which are used in most major industries and consumer applications.

2007年,塞拉尼斯将乙酰基业务的战略管理层和营运总部迁往上海,管理全球乙酰基业务,同时兼管亚洲地区的所有业务。In 2007, Celanese relocated the strategic management and headquarters of its Acetyls Business to Shanghai, China, to manage its global business as well as oversee Asia initiatives.