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记者以匿名的方式发表言论,因为害怕政府的报复。The journalists spoke on the condition of anonymity, fearing government reprisal.

比如说,一个帮派罪犯射击另一个帮派成员,那么报复行为就会接着出现。If one gang member shoots another, for example, the likelihood of reprisal goes up.

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胜利给他带来沉重的代价——秦爷的干儿子徒弟为了替师傅报仇杀了霍元甲的家人。His victory comes at a terrible price—one of Qin's students slaughters Huo's family in reprisal.

你希望他们认为我不想第一个出手做任何事,”因为害怕老式的现实报复。You want them to think 'I won't do anything in the first place'," for fear of old fashioned physical reprisal.

索尼娅是个体态纤长的黑发女孩,目前就读于巴黎美术学院,因为害怕报复,索尼娅不愿意透露自己的真实姓名。Sonia wants to remain anonymous for fear of reprisal. She is a slender young brunette studying at art college in Paris.

这样做“绝对有损言论自由,”一名微博编辑表示,由于害怕遭到报复,他拒绝透露姓名。It would “definitely be harmful to free speech,” said one microblog editor who refused to be named for fear of reprisal.

伊朗已于今早驱逐了巴林外交官,目的是报复这个海湾国家今天早些时候驱逐伊朗大使的行为。Iran has expelled a diplomat from Bahrain in reprisal for the Gulf state's expulsion of the charged'affaires earlier today.

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局势一直不容乐观,而一轮又一轮的挑衅和报复行动将局部冲突升级为全面战争。It is a depressingly familiar scenario, a cycle of provocation and reprisal that periodically escalates into full-blown war.

除了肯尼亚左派人士的反对,鲜有人冒险抗议,老奥巴马却大胆地发表了反对意见。Although the country's leftists objected, few risked reprisal by speaking out.But Obama Sr. boldly published a counterproposal.

贸易报复是DSU赋予发展中国家成员的最后手段,但实施贸易报复对发展中国家成员一定是得不偿失的。Trade reprisal is the last method of developing country which is authorized by DSU, but it must be the loss outweighs the gain.

除了肯尼亚左派人士的反对,鲜有人冒险抗议,老奥巴马却大胆地发表了反对意见。Although the country's leftists objected, few risked reprisal by speaking out. But Obama Sr. boldly published a counterproposal.

对于过失、坏消息等能否快速地无顾忌地传递给需要的人?Is there prompt communications of mistakes, bad news and other information to people who need to know, without fear of reprisal?

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伊朗驱逐了来自巴林的一名外交官,报复这个海湾国家今天早些时候驱逐伊朗大使的行为。Iran has expelled a diplomat from Bahrain in reprisal for the Gulf state’s expulsion of the Iranian chargé d'affaires earlier today.

但是,在分发羊肉时,他把自己的车夫羊斟给忘了。羊斟是个心胸狭窄的人,对此怀恨在心。But while having the mutton distributed, he forgot his chariot driver Yang Zhen, a narrow—minded mean man, who for this nursed feelings of reprisal.

阿根廷官员称这件事情是美国中央情报局伪造的也是在报复阿根廷前总统基什内尔与委内瑞拉左翼总统查韦斯的关系。Argentine officials claim that the whole case is a CIA fabrication and a reprisal for the Kirchners ties to Venezuelas left-wing president, Hugo Chvez.

比如,俄国作战开始两周后,维京师在“报复苏军残酷行为”的行动中屠杀了600名加利西亚犹太人。For example, only two weeks after the start of the Russian campaign, the Wiking Division massacred 600 Galician Jews in "reprisal for Soviet cruelties".

苔丝立即醒了,防范起来,她出于一种突然出现的报复冲动,没有细想就轻轻地把他一推。This immediately put her on the defensive, and with one of those sudden impulses of reprisal to which she was liable she gave him a little push from her.

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与此同时,中国将禁止从阿根廷进口豆油。表面上看来是对出口阿根廷的纺织品的和其他商品的反倾销措施的报复。Meanwhile, China said it would ban imports of soya oil from Argentina, seemingly in reprisal for anti-dumping measures against textile and other exports to Argentina.

一些维护全美大学教授联合会者立场的人说,如果学生不怕报复能够反对教授的课堂宣传,教条灌输并非真的教条灌输。Some defenders of the AAUP's position say indoctrination is not really indoctrination if the student can object to a professor's classroom advocacy without fear of reprisal.

官方指责该贩毒团伙对警察所和联邦警察驻扎的宾馆发动一系列袭击。The authorities have blamed the cartel for a number of what they said were reprisal attacks on police stations and also a hotel where federal police were staying, using guns and grenades.