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阿比让的战斗将是决定性的。The battle for Abidjan will be decisive.

时髦奢华的阿比让已成为西非纸醉金迷的迷魂窟。Chic flash abidjan has become the siren of west africa.

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以下是约翰·吉姆斯从科特迪瓦经济首都阿比让发回的报道As John James reports from the commercial capital, Abidjan.

此前,他下令立即在阿比让实施夜间宵禁。Earlier, he imposed an immediate overnight curfew on Abidjan.

但是,阿比让的商店照常营业,街头市场也和平常一样繁忙。But shops stayed open in Abidjan and street markets were bustling as normal.

卡特-卢克在从奥斯陆到阿比让的新闻编辑室里撒了一圈的威胁信。Carter-Ruck spray threatening letters around newsrooms from Oslo to Abidjan.

该决议还禁止在阿比让周边地区使用重武器。The resolution also bans the use of heavy weapons around the city of Abidjan.

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他和一伙效忠他的军人在阿比让的住所固守。He had been entrenched at the Abidjan residence with a band of loyal fighters.

肯亚总理奥廷加星期一抵达了象牙海岸的主要城市阿比让。Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga arrived in the main city of Abidjan Monday.

在象牙海岸首都阿必尚的尤波贡市场,男人们站在成堆的香蕉旁。Men stand near bunches of bananas at Yopougon market in Abidjan July 30, 2008.

这两例分别是由首都阿比让不同卫生地区报告的。The cases were reported in different health districts of the capital, Abidjan.

瓦塔拉先生称为格林尼治标准时间从2100年至0600格林尼治标准时间在阿比让实行宵禁仍然有效。A curfew called by Mr Ouattara from 2100 GMT to 0600 GMT in Abidjan remains in place.

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当局说,枪手星期二在商业首都阿比让对这些士兵发起袭击。Authorities say gunmen attacked the troops Tuesday in the commercial capital, Abidjan.

它也宣布,将有一个从2100年格林尼治标准时间为0600至星期日格林尼治标准时间在阿比让宵禁。It also declared that there would be a curfew from 2100 GMT to 0600 GMT in Abidjan until Sunday.

自去年年末有争议的总统选举以来,阿比让的形势逐渐恶化。Security has deteriorated in Abidjan since the country's disputed election at the end of last year.

在象牙海岸的阿必尚,一名海关职员在尤布贡的检查站与一名卡车司机说话。A customs officer speaks to the driver of a truck at the Yopougon checkpoint in Abidjan June 2, 2008.

随着危机的加深,在过去一周,联合国和法国部队都加入了对阿比让的战斗。As the crisis deepened in the past week, the UN and French forces have joined the battle for Abidjan.

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过去一个星期来,双方在阿比让的对立政府之间的对峙变得越发暴力。The standoff between their rival governments in Abidjan has grown increasing violent over the past week.

象牙海岸的可可豆农在阿必尚的抗议中焚烧可可豆。Cocoa farmers burn cocoa beans during a protest in Ivory Coast's economic capital Abidjan October 16, 2006.

他给我的档案载有基金报关文件和我很快就离开布瓦凯阿比让,为我们的安全。He gave me the file containing the fund lodgement documents and I quickly left Bouake to Abidjan for our safety.