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与海关和检验检疫局保持良好的工作关系。Maintain well relationship with customs and CIQ authorities.

检验证书将由中国出入境检验检疫局或其分支机构出具。The certificate will be issued by CIQ or by any of its branches.

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熟悉商检的相关法规,和原产地证的办理,有实际操作经验。Familiar with the CIQ regulation and FORM A, has hand-on experience.

在卸货港,买主将使用CIQ或SGS作为最后的检验权力。At unloading port, buyer will use CIQ OR SGS as final inspection authority.

卸货港CIQ出具的质量数量证明传真副本。Fax copy of Certificate of quantity and quality issued by CIQ at port of discharge.

我来试试如果是按一般贸易报关,就必须向海关提供销售合同。If we apply to customs in commonly way, we have to supply the sales contract to CIQ.

在卸货港由CIQ颁发的检测证书应为最终结果。Inspection certificates issued by CIQ at the discharging port shall be deemed as final.

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外经贸部、国家质检总局、山东外经贸委、山东、河北、青岛等省市出入境检验检疫局的有关同志出席了本次会议。Representatives from MOFTEC, AQSIQ, DOFTEC of Shandong, CIQ in Hebei and Qingdao attended the meeting.

卸货港检验检疫局出具的质量和重量证书将作为最终发票的依据。CIQ certificate of quality and weight issued at discharging port shall form the basis for final invoice.

发货人或其代理人凭出入境检验检疫机构发给的验箱合格证书组织货物的装箱作业。Consignor or his agent issued by CIQ inspection certificate of organization box packing goods operations.

我们建议AQSIQ和CIQ对处理进口肉类产品的进口商和销售商进行一年一次的认可。We propose that AQSIQ and CIQ accredit importers and operator handling imported meat products on an annual basis.

双方同意在卸货港由CIQ对产品的质量和数量进行检验。The product shall be inspected and compliant with the Contract specifications at the place of unloading port by CIQ.

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帮助提升企业关务管理水平,为海关,国检等政府部门和企业成为互信的战略伙伴搭建桥梁。To help enhance the level of customs administration, build mutual trust and strategic partnership as a bridge among customs, CIQ and enterprises.

为保证残留监控样品的安全传递,2001年原国家出入境检验检疫局委托大通国际运输有限公司,将需要航空快递的样品指定由该公司进行运送。In order to properly deliver the samples, in 2001, CIQ started to consign to DATONG International transportation Co. of sample delivery by air express.

如需改变用途,向检验检疫机构重新报检、加施中文标签并经检验合格后再行使用。In case of change of use, it is required to reapply to CIQ for inspection, add the Chinese labeling, and use the said product after passing the inspection.

如需改变用途,向检验检疫机构重新报检、加施中文标签并经检验合格后再行使用。In case of change of use, it is required to reapply to CIQ for inspection, add the Chinese labeling, and use the said exhibits after passing the inspection.

买卖双方同意以中国出入境检验检疫局签发的检验证书和买方技术专家的签字作为发货依据。Both sides agreed that the Inspection Certificate issued by CIQ and the signatures of the buyer's technical experts should be taken as the basis of delivery.

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海关凭出入境检验检疫机构在报关单上加盖的印章或签发的入境货物通关单验放。The Customs shall, after verification, release the same on the strength of the stamps on the Customs Declaration Form affixed, or Notice for Customs issued, by CIQ.

入村自用物资要接受出入境检验检疫机构的监管,赛后核销剩余的物资要在出入境检验检疫机构的监督下退运或销毁。Own-use goods entered into village will be supervised by CIQ, for those remaining goods should be returned or destroyed after the games under the supervision of CIQ.

对整个进口采购流程更加熟悉,同时与成都海关、四川商检局建立了更好的合作关系。Getting a clearer sense of the whole import purchasing flow through practice while establishing a better cooperative relations with Chengdu Customs Administration and Sichuan CIQ.