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地方检察官说,斯坦并没有超过追诉时效。The D. A. said that Stein had not lived through the limit.

奥莱尔•斯坦因是敦煌学术史上的关键人物之一。Aurel Stein is one of the key figures in the history of Dunhuang Studies.

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“这帮了一个大倒忙,”地质局的斯特恩博士说。“It did them a giant disservice, ” said Dr. Stein of the geological survey.

德国总理安吉拉·默克尔决定送一个古董啤酒杯。German Chancellor Angela Merkel decided the answer was an antique beer stein.

“乔治·梅森是一所公立大学,政府会为其拨款,”斯坦指出。“George Mason is a public university, and receives public funds, ” Stein noted.

我的同事约耳·斯泰恩不久前无意中告诉我他正忙着做一个出版计划。My colleague Joel Stein let drop a while back that he was working on a book proposal.

作家葛楚德·史坦后来把这些年青人称作“失落的一代”。The writer Gertrude Stein later called these people members of "The Lost Generation."

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格特鲁德?史坦因跑到巴黎,来和她的朋友过一种与众不同,离经叛道的生活。Gertrude Stein ran off to Paris to live an eccentric, bohemian life with her writer friends.

感谢你的访谈宝贵的时间,祝你的新专辑有一个好的成绩。Thanks for taking the time to do this conversation stein and good luck with your new record!

楔入的陶瓷啤酒杯粘土粘土将创建一个一致的机构,没有气泡。Wedging clay for a ceramic beer stein will create a consistent clay body with no air bubbles.

埃列特警察局长布鲁诺。斯坦因说警方相信城市里还有更多的袭击者。Eilat police chief Bruno Stein said the police believed there could be more bombers in the city.

吉尔开始考虑是否要和阿德里亚娜永远生活在一起,又是否要让格特鲁德斯坦给他当编辑。Gil starts to wonder if he would live forever with Adriana and let Gertrude Stein be his editor.

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1994年的力利哈默奥运会上,高山滑雪运动员斯坦恩·格鲁本就真的是舞动着将奥运火炬带入奥运会场的。At the 1994 Lillehammer Games, ski-jumper Stein Gruben literally leaped into the Olympic arena with the flame.

史坦是一位地球物理学家、美国地质调查所在加州门洛帕克地震灾害小组的一员。ROSS S. STEIN is a geophysicist with the U. S. Geological Survey's Earthquake Hazards Team in Menlo Park, Calif.

蒙泰·斯坦通过精心策划的骗局盗取了10余万美元,这点是毋庸置疑的。There was no question that Montie Stein had, through clever fraud, stolen better than a hundred thousand dollars.

或许这是在告诉我们,我们应该重新评估下每个断层超级大地震发生的可能,斯塔恩博士说。“Perhaps the message is we should re-evaluate the occurrence of superlarge earthquakes on any fault, ” Dr. Stein said.

格特鲁德·斯泰因常在自己的作品中用这个句子,正如莎士比亚戏剧中朱丽叶的经典台词。Gertrude Stein frequently used this line in her work as a reference to Juliet's famous speech in the Shakespearean play.

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一家叫“咖啡新闻”的网站销售的反希拉里的物品超过十万件,包括印有“该死的希拉里”字样的啤酒杯。CafePress, a web retailer, is selling more than 100,000 anti-Hillary items, including a "Hillary is the Devil" beer stein.

论文其他的合著者包括孟菲斯大学的罗伊范艾斯戴尔和西北大学的瑟斯斯坦。Additional paper co-authors include Roy Van Arsdale of the University of Memphis and Seth Stein of Northwestern University.

奥莱尔•斯坦因是中国西北探察史、敦煌学术史上的关键人物之一,他先后四次到中国新疆、甘肃等地区进行考察。Sir Aurel Stein was one of the keyman in history of the exploration in northwest of Chinese Turkestan and Dunhuang Studies.