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拔下干衣机的插头。Unplug your dryer.

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水放好后,只要拔掉水管就可以了。When done, just unplug the hose.

睡前将电视机的插头拔下来。Unplug the TV before you go to bed.

拔去电动视镜线束接头。Unplug the power mirror wire harness connector.

甲沟炎不拔脚甲能治好吗?。Doesn't paronychia unplug crural armour can cure?

同样,当你不用充电器时拔掉其插头。Also, unplug chargers when you are not using them.

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连这怕冷的仙人球也能拔开白雪见碧绿。Even the cold of snow Cactus can unplug see green.

你不用断开连接LCD的视频线。You don't have to unplug the video cable from the LCD.

从接线盒中拔出组合闪光器。Unplug the combination flasher from the junction block.

放开心胸,用现实经验来放松自己。Unplug. Entertain yourself with real-world experiences.

至少当你避开坏消息来源一星期之后你仍然知道发生了什么。At least now you know what happens if you unplug for a week.

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真心祝福你有一个松弛的假期——如果你可以的话,试着去放松下吧。Best wishes for a relaxing holiday – and try to unplug if you can.

在不使用笔记本、台式机和手机时,把电源线拔掉。Unplug laptop, desktop and cell phone power cords when not in use.

从收音机底盘拔开天线同轴导线。Unplug the antenna coaxial cable connector from the radio chassis.

卸货前请切断电源,拔下冷藏箱的插头。Please cut off the power and unplug the reefers before discharging.

正如你所知的,在当今社会无所事事这么久并不容易做到。As you know, it’s not easy to unplug for this long in today’s world.

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弹出的消息将告诉您,已经准备好卸载移动硬盘。A message will popup telling you it's okay to unplug your hard drive.

卸货前请切断电源,拔下冷藏箱的插头。Pleottom cut off the power and unplug the reefers before discharging.

电子元件和设备在非工作状态时拔除下来。Unplug your electronic gadgets and appliances when they aren’t being used.