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这实实在在有一连串。There was the true continuity.

业务连续性是非常重要的,您不能心存侥幸。Business continuity is essential.

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还是一种耐久的持续性呢?Is it sustained periods of continuity?

还有一个连续性的问题There's also the question of continuity.

我是所谓的剪辑指导。I am something called continuity supervisor.

连续性蜂鸣器和明亮的工作灯。With continuity beeper and bright work light.

这个人类延续研究所纯粹是子虚乌有。The Institute of Human Continuity is not real.

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他们为后来的故事提供素材。They provide some continuity between the tales.

此类编剧通常都在地方台工作。Continuity writers often work on the local level.

连续性禁止了这种跃迁。There was continuity which prohibited such jumps.

那两段间无连续性。There is no continuity between the two paragraphs.

上面所述的要点都是具有连续性的因素。All of the preceding points are ones of continuity.

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是什么赋予了千万个昨天以延续性?What gives to the thousand yesterdays a continuity?

但有人对业务的延续性提出质疑。But questions were raised about business continuity.

在那里你可以发现时间跨度有很长的连续性There you see continuity for a very, very long time.

指派一位或多位的人员续任以提供持续性。Reappointing one or more persons provides continuity.

这是一种令人心满意足的连续性和照料的仪式。It's a satisfying ritual of continuity and caretaking.

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我相信这是他们生意可持续计划的一部分。I believe it is part of their business continuity plans.

因此,没有人会发现那些可怕的连贯性错误,so nobody will notice those horrible continuity mistakes

负责电视电影等剧情各部分安排的女场记员。Films and TV programmes are often made out of continuity.