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怎么会有人要偷走胡迪呢?。Why would someone steal Woody?

伍迪在艾尔的玩具仓里都碰上了谁?Who did Woody meet at Al's Toy Barn?

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伍迪坐着没动,继续跟我亲切的聊天。Woody sat unmoving, chatting amiably.

胡迪这正是恐慌的最佳时间!Woody This is a perfect time to panic!

胡迪,准备詓牛仔营了吗?。Hey, Woody. Ready to go to cowboy camp?

伍迪格思里写了将近3000首歌曲。Woody Guthrie wrote almost three thousand songs.

“愿伍德和一切生灵永得安宁,”牧师祷告着。"May Woody and all beings find peace, " he says.

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但千万不要像啄木鸟那样点个不停。But don’t overdo it and peck like Woody Woodpecker.

木质茎含水量大于叶子。The woody stems contain more water than the leaves.

林下的木本植物同样亦发育不全。Understorey woody plants were similarly depauperate.

你看伍迪和巴斯在与其他玩具箱。You see Woody and Buzz in a toy box with the others.

人为什么要杀生他为了有吃的,而且不仅仅是吃的,很多情况下还得有喝的This is captured in this little quote by Woody Allen.

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后来有一次,伍迪沮丧的坐在更衣室里。Afterwards, in the dressing room, Woody was despondent.

胡维、杨期明、李如一等。Major members are Whale Hu, Woody Yang and Lawrence Li.

木本植物维管形成层外部的组织。In woody plants, tissues outside of the vascular cambium.

我常常想伍迪怎么就同意了我的想法了呢。I often wondered why Woody gave the concept a green light.

植株木质藤本或直立到蔓生的灌木,具乳汁。Plants woody lianas or erect to trailing shrubs, with latex.

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茄科的木本的澳大利亚属。An australian genus of woody plants of the family urticaceae.

即便是硬派摇滚歌手都知道伍迪加斯里是谁。Even the hardcore rock 'n' rollers know who Woody Guthrie was.

在由伍迪·艾伦执导的该影片中,布吕尼饰演一名美术馆职员。Directed by Woody Allen in the film, Bruni plays a museum staff.