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坦白的说,我正在计划在美国进行眼科方面的训练。Frankly speaking, I am planning to receie my ophthalmological training in States.

本文就脂肪移植后基础研究以及眼科临床应用加以综述。The background and ophthalmological application of fat transplantation are summarized in this paper.

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多数病人是哮喘发作、鼻窦炎以及眼部不适等等。People came in with asthma flare-ups, sinus inflammation, ophthalmological migraines and other problems.

试探中医对眼科血证的病因病机、治则及遣方用药的认识。Try to explore the causa morbi and mechanism, also the description of ophthalmological blood symptoms in TCM.

倒睫,是在门诊相当常见的一种眼科疾病。Trichiasis , usually due to misalignment of lashes, is a very common and otherwise troublesome problem in routine ophthalmological visits.

血管能抑素作为抗血管生成治疗的新策略,在眼科基因治疗方面有很好的应用前景,尤其是视网膜新生血管。As a new strategy for inhibiting angiogenesis, canstatin might have a satisfactory potential in ophthalmological gene therapy, especially in retinal neovascularization.

术前视力极低的患者比例是一个很容易定期衡量的指标,可通过该指标监测眼科服务进展。The proportion of patients with very poor preoperative VA is a simple indicator that can be easily measured periodically to monitor progress in ophthalmological services.

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眼科各项检查均正常,除了视野检查显示病患双眼左下四分之一象限盲。The entire ophthalmological examinations gave normal results except for the visual field examinations. Goldmann perimetry revealed a left homonymous inferior quadrantanopia.

随后病人出现视力模糊、眼科检查提示右眼一分支血管阻塞及微动脉损伤的改变。Subsequently the patient developed visual blurring and ophthalmological examination revealed a branch artery occlusion in the right eye with some evidence of microarterial compromise.

取象类比法在中医眼科理论形成和发展过程中起桥梁作用,在今后内眼脏腑理论的创立过程中也将发挥重要作用。Orientation analogy law plays as a bridge in the development of ophthalmological theory of TCM, and it will play an important role in the establishment of inner-eye-zangfu theory in the future.