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电视还开着呢。Nomo is on TV.

野茂上电视了。Nomo is on TV.

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少看电视。Watch less TV.

我嘹看电视。I'm watching TV.

我有一台电视机。I hav'e a TV set.

把你的电视机收起来。Put away your TV.

少看电视。Stop watching TV.

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我需要一份电视报。I need a TV guide.

我喜欢看电视。I like watching TV.

电视中播放着叽里咕噜的泰语节目。The TV blared Thai.

这台电视机这么大。This TV is this big.

电视音乐会上的那位?At the concent on TV?

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你平常看不看电视?Do you ever watch TV?

你有电视节目报吗?Do you have TV guide?

我必须有电视才行。I have to have my TV.

我在电视上听过她。I heard of her on TV.

那是一台很大的电视。That's a very big TV.

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我甚至不看电视的.I don't even watch TV.

她是电视台记者。She e's a TV reporter.

我把钱都花在新电视机上了。I splurged on a new TV.