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没数过的钱在保险柜里。The uncounted money is in the safe.

对无数的信徒来讲,信仰就像直布罗陀的岩石一样坚不可摧。For uncounted millions, faith remains as rock-solid as Gibraltar.

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而据说黄沙之下埋葬了更大数量的遇难者。A bigger number are alleged to have been buried uncounted in the sand.

无数成千的土著从纽约到宾夕法尼亚州到俄亥俄州灭亡了。Uncounted thousands of Natives perished from New York to Pennsylvania to Ohio.

总之,国家参加现代战争所需的多得数不清的物资都生产出来了。In short, everything that a nation needed to fight a modern war was produced in uncounted numbers.

还有数目不详的人则是来中国几个月,然后带着食物与钱又溜回北韩。Uncounted others have come for a few months and then slipped back to North Korea with food and money.

为了得到山神的眷顾,和前面的香客一样,我开始徒步登山。To ask the God of the mountain for patronage , I begin climb to the top, like uncounted pilgrims before me.

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这些年来,这些样本为探索在自然中离我们最近的天体提供了难以估量的洞察力。Over the years, the samples have provided uncounted insights into the nature of our closest celestial neighbor.

对难以数计的众多读者和学者而言,这部作品依然是迄今为止美国人撰写的最杰出的一部小说。For uncounted millions of readers and scholars, it still stands as the greatest novel yet written by an American.

而其他政府机构、大学、制药公司及慈善事业也投入了难以计算的大量资金。And other government agencies, universities, drug companies and philanthropies have chipped in uncounted billions more.

许多因素都被忽略了,如输配电损耗、大批人口需要安置。Many factors such as transmission and distribution losses, and uncounted people in need of resettling were ignored.

在各地巡游的表演者们由于未被人口普查覆盖,而且没有固定住所,所以很难享受到政府的补助。Uncounted in the census and lacking permanenthousing, the traveling entertainers find it difficult to qualify forgovernment benefits.

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许多那些未被统计的儿童被称为所谓的“黑孩”,这些孩子的出生违反了相关规定,该规定是限制城市夫妇只生一孩。Many of the uncounted were so-called "black children", ie, those born in breach of regulations that limit urban couples to a single child.

如造物主般分出了无数世界,这些世界是由无数石柱一般长杖支撑在混沌之海上。If having been allotted out uncounted worlds as Creator, these worlds are the sea of propping up from long like uncounted steles cane in chaos.

一位帮助受害家庭的北京律师表示,他认为由于受害家庭未去报告,应有更多的死亡病例未列入计算。Beijing lawyer who has aided affected families said he believed even more deaths might have gone uncounted because parents had not reported them.

一位帮助受害家庭的北京律师表示,他认为由于受害家庭未去报告,应有更多的死亡病例未列入计算。A Beijing lawyer who has aided affected families said he believed even more deaths might have gone uncounted because parents had not reported them.

如果死亡和死因没有得到统计和记录,政府就无法设计有效的公共卫生政策或评测其影响。When deaths go uncounted and the causes of death are not documented, governments cannot design effective public health policies or measure their impact.

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结果,欧洲各地有无数的人被世俗统治者处死了,没有公平的审判,也没有对指控有效性的适当评估。The result is that uncounted thousands across Europe were executed by secular authorities without fair trials or a competent assessment of the validity of the charge.

依赖于我们无数的、默默无闻的体面行动,正是它们指引我们走向自由。Our public interest depends on private character, on civic duty and family bonds and basic fairness, on uncounted , unhonored acts of decency which give direction to our freedom.

在过去的几个世纪里,无数的“鸟人”丧失了生命,他们从高塔或悬崖上跳下来,却不知道他们摆动自制的翅膀时,力量和速度根本不足以维持飞行。Uncounted numbers of "birdmen" have died over the centuries after leaping from tower or cliff, not realizing they could never flap homemade wings hard or fast enough to stay aloft.