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暴动和骚乱。Riots and civil commotions.

但是,这是民事法律。However, this is a civil law.

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他对我彬彬有礼地鞠了一躬。He made a very civil bow to me.

英格兰和威尔士的民事法庭Civil Courts in England and Wales

我国的立法与学理传统基本接近大陆法系。P. R. China is a civil law country.

你礼貌些也不会有什么损失。You'll lose nothing by being civil.

民事权利使你藏于他的口袋中。Civil rights keeps you in his pocket.

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文尾出现主题句。Civil is presented the topic sentence.

以前南北战争的歌,其它的也是一样Old Civil War song. And so on it goes.

然而不幸中的大幸是,它的拓本一直在民间流传。Rubbings in the spread of civil cases.

中国已经开始着手制定民法典。China has begun to make the civil code.

他写了一本内战史。He authored a history of the Civil War.

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公开的国内战争已经在叙利亚爆发。Open civil war has broken out in Libya.

于是堪萨斯全区的混乱仍在继续。The civil disorder in Kansas continued.

他结束了193年爆发的内战,建立了塞维鲁王朝。He ended civil war which began in 193 A.

为什么这些论坛不能民间化些。Why can't be just civil on these forums.

全国规模的内战已经存在。Country-wide civil war is already a fact.

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女律师玛吉是个民事律师。Female lawyer maggie is a civil attorney.

亨瑞.贝拉方特,民权集会,1960年Harry Belafonte, Civil Rights Rally, 1960

乍得的恩贾梅纳因为内战惨遭破坏。N'Djamena of Chad is ruined by civil war.