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利马出现在1535年。Lima appeared in 1535.

葫豆?还真是第一次听说。Lima beans? My first time to hear it.

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这五福作品选自他的“利马系列”。These five images are in his Lima Series.

告诉你吧,那些黑色的是葫豆。Let me tell you the black things are lima bean pods.

本次赛跑路程150码,直达秘鲁首都利马。The race was a 150-yard dash through the capital of Lima.

豌豆和蚕豆—豇豆、四季豆、利马豆Peas and beans – black-eyed peas, kidney beans, lima beans

1971年的圣诞前夜,朱莉安娜和她母亲乘飞机离开利马。On Christmas Eve 1971 Juliana left Lima by air with her mother.

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用青豆熬成的爱尔登汤,有如一篇科天的抒情诗。Alden Soup boiled with lima beans looks like a lyric for autumn.

安第斯选择米拉弗洛雷斯是理想选择利马豪华酒店。Casa Andina Select Miraflores is the ideal luxury Lima hotel choice.

这是专辑的班轮说明写的巴博萨大师卡洛斯利马。These are the album's liner notes written by maestro Carlos Barbosa Lima.

美联社作家马丁在秘鲁首都利马Villena促成了这一报告。Associated Press writer Martin Villena in Lima contributed to this report.

秘鲁中西部的一座城市,利马的一个住宅区。人口4,88。A city of west-central Peru, a residential suburb of Lima. Population, 4,88.

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美洲国家组织在利马召开了年会。The Organisation of American States convened in Lima for its annual meeting.

一些植物种类,如利马豆,分泌一种蚂蚁感到美味的花蜜。Some plant species, such as the Lima bean, secrete a nectar that ants find delicious.

罗纳尔多·路易斯·纳扎里奥·德·利马于1976年9月22日出生在里约热内卢的贫困郊区。Ronaldo Luiz Nazario de Lima was born on 22 September 1976 in a poor suburb of Rio de Janeiro.

完美的商务和休闲,安第斯选择米拉弗洛雷斯是奢侈的利马酒店。Perfect for both business and relaxation, Casa Andina Select Miraflores is a luxury Lima hotel.

秘鲁民众15日在利马发起反政府抗议,参加抗议的一名安地斯妇女正呼喊著口号。An Andean woman shouts slogans during a protest against Peru's government, in Lima June 15, 2011.

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2002年,利马附近的一座古墓共出土了数千具印加木乃伊。Thousands of Inca mummies were found at an ancient cemetery under a shantytown near Lima in 2002.

利马南部沿海城市伊卡和皮斯科是本次地震受破坏最严重地区。The worst damage from the main earthquake was in the coastal cities of Ica and Pisco, south of Lima.

但司法部长莱拉•德利马命令行政人员阻止其登机。But the Justice Secretary Leila de Lima ordered officials to stop the Arroyos from boarding the plane.