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把搜索引擎比下去!Outsmart the search engines.

是的,有时你可以仅智取吧!Yes, and sometimes you can just outsmart yourself!

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这就是所谓“道高一尺,魔高一丈”。This is the so-called "villains can always outsmart."

认清你的弱点,然后用你的头脑去战胜它们。Identify your weaknesses, then use your brain to outsmart them.

哥哥大招有智力缺陷,往往弄巧成拙。Elder brother big move has intellective drawback, often outsmart oneself.

你要智胜邪恶的怪物和在最后战役击败德拉克拉!You'll have to outsmart evil monsters and defeat Dracula in the final battle.

癌病医生们必须采取更有效的办法来对付肿瘤的转移。Oncologists must try to outsmart tumors that have already begun to metastasize.

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可以预测,总有一天,即使是我们最先进的医疗技术也将会对这些细菌束手无策。It is conceivable that bacteria will someday outsmart our best medical technologies.

许多物理障碍,拼图,并逃脱,智胜和智取敌人。Lots of physics obstacles, puzzles, and enemies to outrun, outsmart and outmaneuver.

我相信证券市场是有前途的,但我不指望任何人会比市场更聪明。I believed in the promise of the equity markets but not in the hope of anyone to outsmart them.

为什么美国不通过减少军事花费支出,恢复经济,从而打败中国呢?Why doesnt America outsmart the Chinese by reducing your military spending and fix your economy?

你有战略天才并运用深奥的战术系统智取你的对手吗?You have talent and strategic use of sophisticated systems and tactics outsmart your opponent it?

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成为代理赤狐和智取坏人利用出奇不意将他们绳之以法。Become Agent Red Fox and outsmart the bad guys using the element of surprise to bring them to justice.

天地之道,男女之间并非互为相生。如何以我们的智慧与聪颖绕过遗传基因之绊,从此幸福无忧地生活呢?By nature, men and women aren't made for each other. How to outsmart our DNA and live happily ever after?

进化比我们聪明,而且经济进化往往会超越我们建立用以引导其发展的规则。Evolution is smarter than we are, andeconomic evolution tends to outsmart the rules we erect to guide it.

这一发现让人的总称对蝇子的神经系统有了更新的认识,而且帮忙人们找到了打蝇子的要领。The findings offer new insight into the fly nervous syst, and lends a few clues on how to outsmart a fly.

这一发现让人类对苍蝇的神经系统有了更新的认识,而且帮助人们找到了打苍蝇的方法。The findings offer new insight into the fly nervous system, and lends a few clues on how to outsmart a fly.

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有人觉得古巴的奥运会冠军可能爆冷,击败大克里琴科。Others felt that the Olympic champion from Cuba might be able to outbox and outsmart the elder Klitschko brother.

使用超过10种不同类型的比分模式而且智胜你的对手会逐步发展你的排名。Make use of over 10 different kinds of shots to outsmart and beat your opponent and work your way up the rankings.

人类没有那么聪明,我们就不可能比自然人还聪明并在相对时间里做出更好的食物。Human beings aren’t that smart. We will not be able to outsmart nature and make better foods than it for quite awhile.