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它的肉异常鲜美。Its flesh has exceptional delicacies.

富平是一个进行创作的特殊的地方。Fuping is an exceptional place to work.

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我会将你方的事当作特殊情况来考虑。I'll take yours as an exceptional case.

那件榆木的斜倚木雕是特殊的。The elm reclining figures are exceptional.

但羊并没有任何独特之处。But there was nothing exceptional about sheep.

表扬特别的贡献,也要褒奖点滴的善举。Praise the everyday as well as the exceptional.

该鞋本身就是一不同寻常的跑鞋。The shoe itself is an exceptional running shoe.

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这位年轻的外科医生具有不寻常的才干。The young surgeon showed exceptional competence.

吉格斯在普莱德公园的表现不令人意外。Ryan Giggs's display at Pride Park was exceptional.

至于曼联,琼斯、鲁尼和维尔贝克表现十分抢眼。For United, Jones, Rooney and Welbeck were exceptional.

范围流明输出的AX100U是非同寻常的。The range of lumen output on the AX100U is exceptional.

这是一个破格的待遇,请理解这点。Please understand that this is an exceptional treatment.

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这种鱼的肉异常鲜美。The flesh of this kind of fish has exceptional delicacy.

但是防水及防爆灯例外。But, water-proof and anti-explosion ones are exceptional.

她在高能物理学方面表现出非凡的才能。She exhibited exceptional ability at high-energy physics.

“感谢一张床”系列宣扬着四个特别的概念。The Think a Bed series flaunts four exceptional concepts.

在约翰洛布巴黎店的工作经历对我具有非常特别的意义。Working at John Lobb Paris was an exceptional experience.

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球墨铸铁具有特别的抗冲撞装卸的性能。Ductile iron shows exceptional resistance to shock loading.

她杰出的音乐才能使她从一贫如洗到家财万贯。Her exceptional musical talent took he from rags to riches.

马德琳使得卓尔达相信,她是一个了不起的女人。Madeleine had convinced Zelda that she too was exceptional.