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揭路荼是所有蛇的敌人。Garuda is the enemy of all snakes.

揭路荼赋予太阳以人性化,以及是蛇的天敌。Garuda personifies the sun, as well as'being the enemy of snakes.

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另一种认为是他们的宝贵粪便的嘉鲁达或穹鸟。Another belief is that they are the precious dung of the Garuda or Khyung bird.

在那时,这里也有鹰的国王,有20条恒河那么多的沙子。At that time, there were also garuda kings, as numerous as the sands of 20 Ganges.

但是确实有几个澳大利亚的媒体工作人员在此次航班之上。Members of the Australian press corps were on the Garuda Airlines flight, however.

他们氏族的图腾是山鹰,而这个鹰经常被描绘为银色的,这让我想起了藏族的银翅鸟。They often portray the great bird in beaten silver, which also reminds me of the garuda.

印尼鹰航空公司在名字“印度尼西亚航空线”下开始它的第一个商业服务。Garuda Indonesia began its first commercial services under the name "Indonesian Airways".

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官员宣称,在印度尼西亚航空公司获准在欧洲降落之前,不会去欧洲旅行。Some public officials declared they would not travel to Europe until Garuda was allowed to land there.

此外,营救任务进行地很平顺,队伍没有人员伤亡,但是雷已经不在嘎鲁达星球了。Moreover, the mission had gone smoothly with no casualties among the team, but Rem was no longer on Garuda.

鹰航这一核心客户的准倒戈似乎并未引发芝加哥波音公司管理层的担忧。The potential loss of Garuda as a core customer doesn't seem to be worrying Boeing's management in Chicago.

印尼鹰航空公司的历史紧密连接国家和为独立而斗争的历史。The history of Garuda Indonesia is closely connected to the history of the nation and the struggle for independence.

此前,嘉鲁达航空是飞欧洲的唯一一家印尼航空公司,不过由于游客人数下降,该公司于2004年停飞欧洲。Garuda was the only Indonesian airline to fly to Europe but it ceased in 2004 because of a downturn in tourist numbers.

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你认为我突然间对指挥变得卖力起来,最终还是成了一个真正的司令官。"And we'll make every one of them come true. " He squatted down to face her. "Look, let's just see what happens on Garuda.

在嘉鲁达具有特殊的重要性,在密宗藏传佛教的教义,他有时被视为表现莲师。The Garuda has special importance in the tantric teachings of Tibetan Buddhism where he is sometimes seen as a manifestation of Guru Rinpoche.

另一种认为是它们是嘉鲁达或穹鸟的宝贵粪便,他在天上这些粪掉落下来。Another belief is that they are the precious dung of the Garuda or Khyung bird. These droppings fall to the ground when he flies through the sky.

星期五,印尼检察官还表示将寻求判处印尼国家航空公司前负责人一年半监禁,因为他卷入有关的谋杀。Also on Friday, Indonesian prosecutors said they will seek an 18-month jail sentence for the former head of Garuda Airlines for his role in the murder.

这些植株虽是变异的品种,但产量很高。据信,嘎鲁达为落叶剂摧残后的奥普特拉供给了大量的营养品,满足其需求。The crop was a mutant but bountiful one, and it was believed that Garuda provided largely defoliated Optera with much of its needed supply of nutrient.

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“为了营救,干杯,”沃尔夫对着前向观察窗外的嘎鲁达星敬酒,把酒瓶举到嘴边。他吞下一口,瓶中下了半寸,身上一阵战栗。To rescues, " Wolff said now, toasting Garuda through the forward viewport and lifting the bottle to his lips. He gulped down half an inch and shuddered."

这两个部长并没有在此次的航班之上,他们留在了雅加达,由皇家空军负责他们的交通,有关部门告诉CNN。The two officials were not on the Garuda Airlines flight but remained in Jakarta and have been traveling on a Royal Australian Air Force plane, department sources told CNN.

他补充道,这话指的是那些克隆人,“但我向你保证,整个嘎鲁达反抗的时机已经成熟了。”They don't seem to regard us as a threat-even with the firepower our comrades supply, " he added, indicating the clones, "but I assure you that all Garuda is ripe for rebellion.