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但是军队称交战状态已经降到“临界点以下”的等级。But the army says militancy is down to a “subcritical” level.

内格罗蓬特说,要解决激进主义的问题没有单一的解决方案。He said there is no single solution to the issue of militancy.

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此人曾有战斗记录,也曾被约旦人逮捕。He had a record of militancy. He had been arrested by the Jordanians.

本·拉丹之死能否终结伊斯兰武装?So will the elimination of bin Laden put an end to Islamic militancy?

排资论辈制度也是导致工会好斗争的另一因素。The seniority system is another factor that leads to union militancy.

他们的失败之旅证实了巴基斯坦和阿富汗交战的孤立特点。Their dashed journey underscores the insular nature of the Pakistan and Afghan militancy.

社会改革是降低人民战斗性的好办法,但也会消耗大笔的金钱。All social reforms are a good way to reduce militancy , but they cost a great amount of money.

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她说她现在相信资本主义可能做什么但同样为过去的军事斗争骄傲。She says she now believes in what capitalism can do but is equally proud of her past militancy.

该国领导表示,在根除极端主义和交战状态方面,世界各国有着一致看法。The leader said there was an across-the-board consensus on rooting out extremism and militancy.

吉拉尼也参加了那次选举,结果是赢了,他只是在1989年因军事交战才退出立法会一次。Geelani fought and won the same election, quitting the Assembly only in 1989 when militancy began.

斯卡吉尔先生的顽固不化和好战导致他的矿工们一败涂地,他也令梅克斯伯勒不快。Yet Mr Scargill—whose obduracy and militancy led his miners to crushing defeat—also haunts Mexborough.

好战性从不会被从外部输入而是在社会压力、偏狭、不服管理等因素下从内部发展起来的。Militancy is never imported but developed internally by social stresses, intolerance, mis-governance etc.

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“现在边境地区对于任何人来说都是非常危险的”,数部军事书籍的作者艾哈迈德·拉什德说道。"The border is too dangerous for anyone right now, " said Ahmed Rashid, author of several books on militancy.

人们怀疑他战斗和起义的观点,但对他的非暴力信仰表示敬仰。Deeply suspect to some for his militancy and insurgency abuse, reviewed by other for his non-violence beliefs.

人与自然的关系是辩证统一的,是矛盾同一性和斗争性的统一体。The relationship between human and nature is dialectic, is the entity of contradictory identity and militancy.

塔里克汗将军说,剿灭这个机构的激进分子会削弱其他部落地区的暴力活动。General Khan says that elimination of militants from this agency will discourage militancy in other tribal areas.

巴基斯坦总理吉拉尼对袭击予以谴责,他重申巴基斯坦打击激进分成子的决心。Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani has condemned the attack and has reiterated Pakistan's resolve to fight militancy.

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只有在巴基斯坦人无条件终止反印军事挑衅的情况下,反恐和印巴和谈才能分开处置。The two issues were to be decoupled only to the extent that Pakistanis must end anti-Indian militancy unconditionally.

美国和这个伊斯兰政党的接触,可能会使以色列和受到伊斯兰教派武力威胁的阿拉伯国家,产生动摇。The U.S. contacts with the Islamic party could be unsettling to Israel and Arab states seen as threatened by Islamic militancy.

他们的作品是中国近代社会生活的形象记录,由于大多是“为时而作”,因而有着鲜明的时代性和战斗性。As they were for the most part written for their times, they bear distinct features of their age and are distinguished for their militancy.