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那时装表演是艳丽色彩的大汇展。The fashion show was a technicolour extravaganza.

有些印度人沈迷于婚礼的大肆铺张。Some indian people indulge in wedding extravaganza.

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中央电视台的新大楼是一件外貌新奇的奇特作品。The new CCTV building is an extravaganza of strange look.

从伦敦到东京各地,观众蜂拥而来观赏这场音乐盛宴。From London to Tokyo, crowds have flocked to see this musical extravaganza.

音乐盛典每年都会在垦丁举行。Spring Scream is a musical extravaganza that is held annually in the Kending area.

因此,广告公司每年都会忙于想象他们的最新盛典。So every year, the advertising agency gets busy dreaming up its latest extravaganza.

在其建筑内发现一具尸体令开场的娱乐表演大为不快。The opening extravaganza is overshadowed by the find of a dead body on the premises.

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政府告诉居民在家里的电视上观看这场盛典是是最好的地方。Residents were told that the best place to watch the extravaganza was at home, on television.

故事情节好比小男生们常常做的白日梦,全靠由3D效果渲染的动作戏来吸引观众。The story is schoolboy fantasy stuff, but in a 3-D extravaganza it's the action scenes that count.

于跑马地马场制作「龙腾灯耀庆千禧」盛会迎接千禧年的来临。Produced the Millennium Extravaganza at the Happy Valley Racecourse on New Year's Eve and early New Year's Day.

这次周末狂欢是这两个关注环保的派对组织合作多年的高潮时刻。The weekend extravaganza was the culmination of years of collaboration between the two eco-friendly party groups.

该片6月20号在国内首映,届时,你可以自行判断这一3D盛宴是否不负期待。You can judge for yourself whether the 3-D extravaganza is worth the wait when it's released in China on June 20.

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这部电影还是有一些令人印象深刻的魅力的,而不只是一场铺张华丽的视觉享受。Casts a few impressive spells of its own, not the least of which is the redemption of the visual-effects extravaganza.

还会有加长型礼车,载送参加舞会的人到昂贵的餐厅或迪斯可舞厅去度过奢华的一晚。Stretch limousines were hired to drive the prom-goers to expensive restaurants or discos for an all-night extravaganza.

梅里尔上将的讲话让我深受鼓舞,以至于我幻想着一场具备真正阳刚之气的全体男人的战争盛宴。I’ve been so inspired by General McPeak’s words that I’ve had a vision of a truly masculine, all-man military extravaganza.

这只是历史学家约翰刘易斯加迪斯两周内短暂被誉为“一个超现实主义的狂妄家伙”的前奏。That was only a prelude to a two-week sojourn that historian John Lewis Gaddis would characterize as "a surreal extravaganza."

最大的体育盛会今晚将揭幕。希望德里电力公司今晚别搅局,我可是抱着那么一丝希望啊。The biggest sporting extravaganza about to unfold tonight. Hoping against hope that Delhi power companies don't become a spoiler.

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在周一和周二将有两场秀播出,它们是上周在芝加哥联合中心录制的名人大联欢的剪辑版。On Monday and Tuesday, she'll air two shows edited from last week's celebrity-packed extravaganza taped at Chicago's United Center.

如果你觉得北京的极尽华丽的表演实在是无法超越了,那么广州的开幕式可让我们如坐针砭了。If you thought that the Beijing extravaganza would be difficult to surpass, the Guangzhou opening ceremony blew us out of our seats.

1986年为纪念她的100岁生日时一场大规模的耗时两年的工程及时恢复并且改进了这个雕塑,还为她举行了为其四天的大规模演出。A massive, two-year project restored and improved the statue in time for its 100th birthday in 1986, marked by a four-day extravaganza.