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官方网站在这里。The official site is here.

他只是个小官吏。He is only a petty official.

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他贿赂一个政府官员。He bribe a goverment official.

他从来不摆官架子。He never puts on official airs.

他从来不摆官架子。He never puts on official airs.

我的孩子,他为什么会去当差为官呢?Why does he become an official?

凯斯·哈克特的官方解答Keith Hackett's official answers

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官方语言为冰岛语。Official language For Icelandic.

巴比特是一名正式代表。Babbitt was an official delegate.

我没有当官的愿望。I have no wish to be an official.

红酒木瓜靓汤官方网站!Red papaya soup official website!

泰昌官方旗舰店!Taichang official flagship store!

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这里是T-P。工作室的官方博客。This is the official blog of T-P.

我想我们应该做的正式一些。Iguess we should make it official.

官方语言是阿而巴尼亚语。The official language is Albanian.

官方网站的利优比电动工具。"Ryobi" power tools official site.

他总是摆出一副官架子。He's always assuming official airs.

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政府官员。Mycroft Holmes Government official.

她也是我们官方的“性专家”。She is also our official ‘sexpert’.

至少这是官方消息。That's the official line, at least.