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这个理论是非常严密的。This theory is very rigorous.

它们的设计是很严格的。They are designed to be rigorous.

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这是一门慎密的课程。"This is a rigorous course, " she said.

走好人生之路,更需要严谨。Take the road of life, need more rigorous.

这种缺乏特征蠕动的产品乃罕见之作。Such rigorous lack of feature-creep is rare.

这个定义有其充分的理据,而且非常严谨。This definition is well-grounded and rigorous.

法国的葡萄酒分级制度是最严谨的。French wine grading system is the most rigorous.

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本课程同时是一种严格的乐趣。This class at the same time is about rigorous fun.

于是我们有了一门精确严谨的学科作为工具We then have a mathematically rigorous discipline.

我们的老师很严格,他很少放松对我们的要求。Our teacher is so rigorous that he seldom lets up on us.

事故预案的编制是一项科学严谨的工作。The development of an emergency plan is a rigorous task.

代码结构清晰,思维严谨,界面友好。Code structure is clear, rigorous thinking, user-friendly.

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对所有应用程序代码执行严格的代码检查。Enforce rigorous code inspections of all application code.

历经严酷的训练是完善自我的必由之路。After rigorous training is the only way to self-perfection.

戏校的孩子们首先需要经过六年艰苦严格的训练。The early training lasts for six demanding, rigorous years.

兵士们尚未能适应此种酷寒的气候。The soldiers were not yet seasoned to the rigorous climate.

而是因为这个理论严谨且能被应用。It is always an idea that is both rigorous and can be applied.

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我以能在这样一所治学严谨的大学里学习感到骄傲。I take pride in being able to study here because it is rigorous.

严格空冷器设计和核算软件。Rigorous air-cooler model Rigorous Air Cooler design and rating.

要成为精算师需要通过各种严格的系列考试。Becoming an Actuary requires passing a rigorous serried of exams.