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别人问我的出生地,我会说我是德克萨斯人。People ask me what my nationality is, I say Texan.

一个德克萨斯人向一个阿肯色人吹嘘他的农场。Texan was boasting to an Arkansan about his ranch.

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最后我来到了达拉斯一位老朋友家里,他是真正的德克萨斯人。Finally Dallas and the home of an old friend, a true Texan.

我出生在这里,所以我们为德克萨斯的胜利欢呼。I was born here, so we came to cheer for the Texan side, " Elizalde said."

奥巴马夫妇喜欢试验性的、新锐风格的作品,乔治·布什则偏重有关德克萨斯的作品。While the Obamas have gone for the experimental and new, George Bush went for the Texan.

我们更习惯美国人有德克萨斯口音或者像洛杉矶、纽约、波士顿这种地方。We're more used to Americans having Texan accents or like LA or New York, Boston, like there.

因为我为自己是德克萨斯人而感到无比骄傲。我想你会发现许多德克萨斯人有同样的感受。Because I am very, very proud to be a Texan. As I think you'll find with most people from Texas.

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德州佬马上说,“我们的长角牛群比你这个牛群至少大两倍。”The Texan immediately replies, "We have longhorns that are at least twice as large as your cows."

然而,如果你到德克萨斯州府的参议院那边去转一转,你将听到一个完全不同的德克萨斯故事。Wander round to the Senate side of the state capitol, though, and you will hear a different Texan tale.

然而,我将不能自豪,两个德克萨斯人相当于一个民主党人,因为本森了解美国。And I couldn't be prouder, both as a Texan and as a Democrat, because Lloyd Bentsen understands America.

得克萨斯人和墨西哥人双方决意在阿拉莫展开厮杀在军事层面上饱受非议。Both the Texan and the Mexican decisions to fight at the Alamo have been criticized on military grounds.

如果这位德克萨斯丈夫在纽约提起诉讼,那么他可能发现结果令人吃惊地昂贵。If the Texan husband decides to file in New York, however, he may find the outcome startlingly expensive.

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王储这位慷慨出借飞机的朋友是美国德州的金融家乔·奥布莱顿。Texan financier Joe Allbritton offered the heir to the throne his jet for the trip to Washington DC on May 3-5.

阿拉莫不仅仅是一座建筑,它还是得克萨斯州争取独立而进行的首场战斗的地址和标志。The Alamo is more than a just a building--it was the site and symbol of the first battle for Texan independence.

本特森是一个不舟不扣的德州佬,在这溜住了一膊子,服像参议曰,代表德州人凡十七年。Lloyd Bentsen is Texan through and trough, lived here all his life, served in the representing Texans for 17 years.

在3月6日阿拉莫所受到的头两波攻势中,不到200名的德州士兵击退墨西哥部队。The first two times the Alamo was attacked on March 6, Mexican troops were driven off by less than 200 Texan soldiers.

扣的德州佬,在这里住了一辈子,服务参议院,代表德州人凡十七年。Lloyd Bentsen is Texan through and trough, lived here all his life, served in the Senate, representing Texans for17 years.

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大部分的曲目偏向民谣,包括本二重奏与同德克萨斯约克柏狄伦记录了两名男子,“你看到的春天。”Most of the tracks lean toward folk, including this duet the duo recorded with fellow Texan Jakob Dylan, "See You In The Spring."

从1979年到1985年,我的大多数时间都是在北京度过的,一直待到一个高大英俊的得克萨斯人赢得了我的心,我便回美国和他结婚成家了。From 1979 to 1985 I spent most of my time in Beijing, until a tall handsome Texan won my heart and I went back to the US to marry and build a home.

那时,随着新的德州籍总统主政白宫,什么票也比不上孤星州黑领结加长靴舞会的门票炙手可热。With a new Texan master of the White House, there was no hotter ticket in town than one for the Lone Star State’s Black Tie and Boots extravaganza.