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可能有人会说,把艺术家比来比去真是庸俗!Some might say it's philistinism to put artists in competition with each other.

英国人的粗陋无文还在蓬勃发展,至少在他们说出“法国哲学家”一语时是这样的。English philistinism continues to flourish, not least when the words "French philosopher" are uttered.

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以自信及脱俗为骨干,用细心和体贴为灵魂!With self-confident freeing and far from philistinism as with careful and showing consideration for it soul !

这里倡导个性,拒绝平庸,你的思想有多高,你的空间就有多大!Here, propose individuality , decline Philistinism , the highness of your thought is equaled by big of your space!

也有很多无聊的人就喜欢看到别人深陷困难,然后取笑他们。There are many philistinism people in the world who like see some others get into the difficulties and laugh them.

中国已成为一个价值失衡、庸俗、焦虑的社会。China is becoming the country in which a lack of balanced value, general philistinism and anxiety is widely popular.

作为一个圈内人,她不宜再花过多时间评论同伴们的写作,鄙薄他们的市侩。As an insider, she couldn't spend so much time surveying the writing of her peers and caviling about their philistinism.

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系列的设计理念就是建立在这个基础上!以自信及脱俗为骨干,用细心和体贴为灵魂!With self-confident freeing and far from philistinism as backbone , with careful and showing consideration for it soul !

人们在教学理论的认识和把握上存在着教条化、技术化、庸俗化倾向。People have the technique tendency, doctrine tendency and philistinism tendency in their understanding of teaching theory.

但如果事事都用金钱量化,无疑会使社会精神世界失落,让一些高尚行为庸俗化。But if everything is measured by money, it is no doubt that the spirit of the society will lose, and many noble actions will become philistinism.

综观当前的电视荧屏,电视的娱乐化给老百姓带来了许多欢乐。The entertainment of TV give much pleasure to people, but at the same time , some programmes receive more and more criticisms on the philistinism.