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李华重视族谱学与社会实情。He lays stress on genealogical studies and the social reality.

类似的情况当然不止是周氏一个宗谱。A similar case is certainly more than just a genealogical recitals.

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现在该隐杀亚伯有了后续版本。Now the murder of Abel by Cain is followed by some genealogical lists.

这种调查家谱的对话持续了相当长时间,但大家好像根本不介意。This genealogical inquisition takes some time, but no one seems the least bothered.

同时通过家系分析确定位点缺失的遗传学来源。Simultaneously, the genetic source of loci loss was confirmed by genealogical analysis.

在这些著述中,福柯用系谱学的方法对权力作了明快而独特的分析。In these works, Foucault gave concise but unique analysis to power in a genealogical way.

信息的调查通常发生在很多层级,范围从宗谱到信息素。Vetting has always occurred at many levels, ranging from the genealogical to the pheromonal.

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在中心是最原始的,这是地球所有生命的系谱。So in the center is the most primitive, and this is a genealogical chart of all life on earth.

这份族谱表明,奥巴马是理查德长子乔纳森?新格尔特里的后代。The genealogical chart shows that Obama descends from Richard's eldest son, Jonathan Singletary.

本文从谱系学的角度考察了90年代诗歌的新变。From genealogical perspective, this article investigates the recent change of 1990s Chinese neo-poetry.

冰岛居民具有一个有限的基因库和非常详细的人口档案,这使得冰岛成为一个基因宝藏。It's a rich venue, because Icelanders have a limited gene pool and highly detailed genealogical records.

中国当代艺术在发生学的动因上有着相当清晰的本土条件。From the motive on genealogical theory, there are rather clear local conditions in Chinese contemporary art.

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这些人在犹大王约坦并在以色列王耶罗波安年间,都载入家谱。All these were entered in the genealogical records during the reigns of Jotham king of Judah and Jeroboam king of Israel.

从高祖父到曾孙称为“九族”。这“九族”代表着家族血统的承续关系。From great-great-grandfather to great-great-grandchildren, there are all together nine generations, forming a genealogical line.

他们的家谱,就是一大松树,从他们被切断,是在同一时间大,在木老树。Their genealogical tree, that is, a large pine-tree from which they had been cut, was at one time a large, old tree in the wood.

为了个人安危,为了不被批斗,不少家庭逼不得已把宝贵的宗谱家谱毁灭。Fearful of persecution, numerous families, perforce, had to destroy their cherished family genealogical records for safety reasons.

形态和语音的历史演变应是藏缅语分类的依据。The historical evolution of morphology and sound should be the bases of the genealogical classification of Tibeto-Burman languages.

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本文首先对李氏家族的世系作了一番系统的梳理,对一些人物作了考订,并且重新排列了世系表。Firstly, this text has done some systematic combing to pedigree of the Li Family in Xinghua, and rearranging the genealogical table.

Gorelov为首的远征,向谁归功于大量用于家系分析字的口碑和品种建设的家谱结构。Gorelov, to whom goes much of credit for the analysis of word-of-mouth pedigrees and the construction of the genealogical structure of the breed.

在贝格尔号航行之后,达尔文用他的想法填补笔记簿里的空白,并在1837年绘制了系谱略图,那是他关于物种起源的最初思考。After the Beagle voyage, Darwin filled notebooks with his ideas, and in 1837 sketched a genealogical pedigree, his earliest thoughts on the origin of species.