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希腊纵帆船在西班牙搁浅了。The Greek schooner ran aground off Spain.

他喝了一大酒杯啤酒后醉倒了。He drank a schooner of beer and became drunken.

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当双桅帆船因无风而抛锚停泊时我的胃病加重了。My stomach got worse when the schooner was becalmed.

纵帆船向海岸航行。The schooner sailed coastward. We followed a coastward route.

也许会有从图图旺阿过来的走散的贸易纵帆船经过这里。There might be a stray trading schooner running across from Tutuwanga.

急流正以同样的速度将小筏子和西斯潘尼奥拉号一起冲向南方。The current was bearing coracle and schooner southward at an equal rate.

潮流以同样的速度带着大船和小艇向南滑行。The current was bearing coracle and schooner southward at an equal rate.

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纽约市地标图片。图标的自由女神和一艘第一流的纵帆船魅力的纽约海港。The iconic Statue of Liberty and a classic schooner grace New York Harbor.

干草打墙的堡垒和铜皮裹的白色大帆船距离他已经很近了。The grass-walled castle the white, coppered schooner were very near to him.

他赞赏地品定托帕斯说,“多么好看的纵帆船呀!”He appraised the Topaz with admiration. " Nice looking schooner you got there."

干草打墙的堡垒和铜皮裹的白色大帆船距离他已经很近了。The grass-walled castle and the white, coppered schooner were very near to him.

这是另一种斜桁帆多桅帆船,带有一面顶帆和多面船首桅帆。Here’s another gaff-rigged schooner that is using a topsail and several flying jibs.

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一条名叫“银姑”的纵帆船的船主正招雇水手,打算航行到中国去。The owner of a schooner called the Silver Maid was signing up sailors for a voyage to China.

那是一辆老式的带弹簧的四轮马车,上面的帆布圆顶子象是拓荒者用的大篷车的顶篷。It was an old spring-wagon, with a round canvas top on it like the cover of a prairie schooner.

帆船运动中船按其帆和桅杆不同而分类,如单桅多帆船,双桅或三桅纵帆船,双桅船,及大双桅船。The sailing boats are grouped according to their sails and masts, such as sloop, schooner yawl, and ketch.

一艘传统的平底帆船从普吉穿过茂盛的热带群岛到达攀牙海湾。A traditional junk rigged schooner that traverses the lush tropical archipelago from Phuket to Phang Nga Bay.

他把他所知道的生活呈现到了听众的眼前。走私船翠鸟号被缉私船查获时他是船上的水手。He had been a member of the crew of the smuggling schooner Halcyon when she was captured by a revenue cutter.

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他还可以把小说和诗歌编成集子出版,保证把那峡谷、海湾和大帆船买到手。Also he could collect the stories and the poems into books, and make sure of the valley and the bay and the schooner.

在那一瞬间他已放弃了峡谷、海湾、草墙堡垒和那漂亮的白色大帆船。In that moment he abandoned the idea of the valley and the bay, the grass-walled castle and the trim, white schooner.

1851年,纵帆船“美国”号超过了英国“极光”号赢德了冠军,从此就边成了著名的美国杯!In 1851, the schooner "America" outraced the "Aurora" off the English coast to win a trophy that became known as the America's Cup.