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可是这能阻止你么?Should this deter you?

不要让失败成为你的拦路虎。Don't let failures deter you.

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但这并不能阻止埃布埃。Not that it would deter Eboue.

保险箱能有效制止盗贼。Safes can certainly deter thieves.

但是,非国家行为者则难以遏制。But non-state actors are harder to deter.

日本和韩国结合起来遏制中国。A Japan-South Korea tandem to deter China.

不要允许宗教或者种族歧视来打消你的念头。Do not allow religion or race to deter you.

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这也会抑制移动设备的盗窃活动。It would also deter theft of mobile devices.

木材常用杂酚油涂抹以防腐烂。Timber is often treated with creosote to deter rot.

许多的植物会生产威力巨大的毒素来防止害虫。Lots of plants produce powerful toxins to deter pests.

什么也阻止不了我们去做自己认为该做的事。Nothing shall deter us from doing what we think right.

窗户都安上了铁栅栏,以防止故意破坏。The windows are covered with grilles to deter vandals.

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如果你查不出攻击者,你就制止不了他们。If you can't identify the attacker, you can't deter them.

这些例子是要你警醒,而非阻拦你。These examples are meant to caution you, not to deter you.

正是这个优势赋予了核武器威慑力量。It’s this edge that gives nuclear weapons their power to deter.

阿奎拉称他的计划是“一个遏制致命冲突的非致命手段。”Arquilla calls his plan "a nonlethal way to deter lethal conflict.

尽管红橙现在已经过季,可别因为这打消了你尝试美味的念头。Blood oranges are out of season now, but don’t let that deter you.

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阿奎拉称他的计划是“一个遏制致命冲突的非致命手段。”Arquilla calls his plan "a nonlethal way to deter lethal conflict."

而对新的选举体系的不熟悉,也会妨碍一些选民投票。And unfamiliarity with a new electoral system may also deter voters.

尽管你企图自嘲自谦,但这也阻挡不了我做出以上决定。“Your attempt at derision will not deter me,” he replied with a laugh.