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一个打压是一个试探。A NEG is a qualifier.

因此,尽量避免过度使用该限定符。Hence, avoid overusing this qualifier.

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在这里修饰的是我的策略Here, the qualifier for all is on my strategy.

其他条件相同是一个很重要的限定词,对吧?Now, all other things being equal is a big qualifier. Right?

在上周的世界杯预选赛中,威尔士队1比5负于罗马尼亚队。Last week Wales lost 5-1 to Romania in a World Cup qualifier.

在对象名称中为分类服务限定符保留空间。Reserve space in object names for a class-of-service qualifier.

可以使用这个新限定词控制事务边界。You can use this new qualifier to control transaction boundaries.

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肯尼亚的罗伯特·基布是800米决赛入围者中速度最快的选手。Kenya's Robert Kibe was the fastest qualifier for the 800 metres final.

肯尼亚的罗伯特·基布是800米决赛入围者中速度最快的选手。Kenya's Robert Kibe was the fastest qualifier for the 800 metres final.

阿特瓦尔也成为24年来首个通过星期一资格赛获得冠军的选手。Atwal was also the first Monday qualifier to win on the tour in 24 years.

然而他们将其做出了改进,因为税负可能产生影响Although, they do put it in a qualifier that it could matter for tax reasons.

为了定义这类身份用户,我们可以使用安全身份限定符。For defining such run as users, we shall use the security identity qualifier.

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对于表现逻辑值的限定词,值部分可以忽略以节省字符。For a qualifier with a boolean value, the value part can be omitted for brevity.

对属性和方法的引用通常需要显式的对象限定符。References to properties and methods often require an explicit object qualifier.

在此您可以通过使用数据验证限定符进行初步检查。This is where you can do a preliminary check by using the data validation qualifier.

这是通过在段定义行的后面加上ALIGN限定符实现的。This is done by appending the ALIGN qualifier to the end of the section-definition line.

本赛季,斑马军团取得了联赛第三的成绩,所以下赛季他们将要面对双线作战的压力。The Bianconeri will have to play a two-legged qualifier after finishing third in Serie A.

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意大利队在欧预赛小组赛最后一轮比赛中3-0大胜北爱尔兰队。The Italian National Team won 3-0 against Northern Ireland in the European Cup Qualifier.

谢尔比了它回家的评分7月4日,赢得她的第一次初级赛和预选赛。Shelby took it home with a score of 7-4, winning her first junior tournament and qualifier.

但为简洁起见,通常不会指定变量的包限定词。But for brevity, you usually like to leave the package qualifier off. What happens if you do?