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张先生是个面包师傅。Mr. Zhang is a baker.

有没有香烟?烘炉?Any cigarettes? Baker?

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我的哥哥是个面包师。My brother is a baker.

它挨着贝克街。It's near Baker Street.

我真的是个很好的烘焙师。I'm a really good baker.

我在泰德·贝克工作,Well, I work for Ted Baker.

一位面包师正在揉面团。A baker is kneading a dough.

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那位面包师在揉面。The baker is kneading dough.

他是镇了最好的面包师傅。He is the best baker in town.

贝克街的安德森那家人。The Andersons of Baker Street.

我可以把它写进去,贝克先生。I can write that in, Mr. Baker.

面包师傅每天烤面包。The baker bakes bread every day.

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布莱克面包师烘焙黑色的面包。Blake the baker bakes black bread.

喂喂,这是贝克家。Hello. This is the Baker residence.

克里斯蒂·贝克尔下士,1月31日。Lance Cpl. Kristi Baker on Jan. 31.

她知道来乛一定面包巬。She knew that it must be the baker.

她嫁给了演员迪伦贝克。She is married to actor Dylan Baker.

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面包师递给他三个大面包卷。The baker handed him three big rolls.

面包师傅什么时候营业?When does the baker follow his trade?

她的名字在出生的诺玛·琼·贝克。Her name at birth was Norma Jean Baker.