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波普尔有使玉米入面粉。Pople there make maize into flour.

俱乐部一个对是新东西是因为年轻人物专访。The club is a new thing for young pople.

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泰国人从出生以后一直吃米饭。Thai pople have been eating rice since they were bron.

最难了解的人通常就是自己的家人。Pople most difficult to understand are often members of one's own family.

我很奇怪要心情愉快也不难,凪可为什么人们总是焦虑不安。I wonder why pople are always in anxiety when it is not difficult to be happy.

在黎巴嫩至少有三人因为怀疑为以色列充当间谍而被捕。At least three pople have been arrested in Lebanon on suspicion of spying for Israel.

我很奇怪要心情愉快也不难,可为啥大部分人总是焦虑不安。I wonder reason pople are not sll the time in anxiety when it is not difficult to be happy.

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奥林匹克旗代表了一个梦,来自五大洲的人们手牵手像五个紧密相连的环。The Olympic flag represents a dream . Pople from the five continents join their hands like the five rings tightly connected.

在普通光束中,光波就像成群的人去观看足球比赛一样,互相拥挤和碰撞。In an ordinary beam, the waves are like the pople in a crowd going to a football match, jostling and bumping into one another.

全世界人民通过电视看到了这些,他们不仅仅因为追求更高的目标而兴奋。World pople are seeing these in the TV .They are not really excited by such a scene that they are chasing for the higher goals.

似乎各地的人都喜欢吃他们惯吃的东西,而且几乎无法改变他们的饮食习惯。So it seems that pople everywhere enjoy eating what they always eat, and there is very little we can do to change our eating habits.

关于开放系统,人们已经谈论很久了,但对开放系统的认识并不一致。Theopen system isbeingdiscussed inthe literatures for a long time, but the term"openness ", is of different meaning to different pople.

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拥有对大多数人来说都很出色的苹果全新的语音控制的“个人助理”Siri,人们都说这款电话“迅速,”“很棒,”而且“性感”。Pople called the phone "fast, " "amazing, " and "sexy, " with Apple's new voice-controlled "personal assistant" Siri a standout feature for many.

北京申奥本质上是中国人民的呼声,那是了解世界其它民族和为他们所了解的渴望Beijing's bid ,in essence ,is a voice of the Chinese pople.It is a longing to understand other poeple in the world ,and to be understood by them.

我真的希望我们国家会变得越来越繁荣,人民过上越来越幸福的生活。我是一个中国人,我以出生在中国而感到骄傲。I really hope our country will become more and more flourishing and pople will live a happier and happier life. I'm a chinese man and I am proud of being born in china.