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阿瑞塞莎是位迷人的仙女猎人。Arethusa was once a fairy maiden huntress.

阿瑞塞莎是位迷人的仙女猎人。Arethusa a was once a fairy maiden huntress.

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她是充满传奇色彩的猎者,其陷阱是个艺术品。She is a legendary huntress whose traps are works of art.

荒原女猎是个灵活的英雄。她能应付各种类型的敌人。Wasteland huntress is an agile hero. She can handle any type of enemy.

经验不足的小雌豹离开黑斑羚,看来是已经放弃。The inexperienced huntress then left the impala as if she had given up.

阿波罗是宙斯和勒托之子,他有孪生妹妹狩猎女神阿尔忒弥斯。Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto, and has a twin sister, the huntress Artemis.

她装扮成一个女猎手,让这个年轻人整日陪伴左右,并与他一起游遍了山林、河谷。In the woods she dressed herself up like a huntress and kept the youth company all day long.

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女猎师戴安娜和众仙女在洞穴的池塘和瀑布边上玩耍嬉戏。In the grotto is a fountain and pool, at which the huntress Diana and her nymphs disport themselves, naked.

战童“和”暗黑女猎手“都在我的贴子里问我合订本和单行本到底收藏哪一个更好一点。WarChild and the Dark Huntress both asked me if it's better to collect trades or singles on the thread I set up.

战童“和”暗黑女猎手“都在我的贴子里问我合订本和单行本到底收藏哪一个更好一点。WarChild and the Dark Huntress both asked me if it’s better to collect trades or singles on the thread I set up.

例如,术士区域拥有明显的黑色风格,而猎人训练师所在的房间外面有一个非常醒目的金色女猎手塑像。The warlock district , for example, has a very distinct, dark color scheme, while the hunter trainers are marked with an impressive gold statue of an elven huntress outside their building.