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尚不清楚娈童癖的形成原因。The causes of pedophilia are unknown.

今天,我知道我的叔叔是一个彻底的恋童癖和偷窥癖患者。Today , I know my uncle is totally a pedophilia and voyeurism.

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努力仅仅一年后,在打击恋童了适得其反的。The effort comes just a year after a crackdown on pedophilia backfired.

唯一与儿童的性接触的欲望应该被称为“娈童癖”。Only the desire for sexual contact with them should be called " pedophilia ".

运用认知心理学范式研究恋童癖是国外该领域研究的新趋势。The cognitive science tasks applied to research on pedophilia is a promising way.

一些现代学者甚至认为这则故事里蕴含着恋童癖的导向。Some modern scholars say that there are connotations of pedophilia in this fairy tale.

据报道,涉及到女性受害人的娈童癖多于涉及到男性受害人的娈童癖”。Pedophilia involving female victims is reported more than pedophilia involving male victims.

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结论恋童癖病因学研究远落后于评估。Conclu sion Etiological research on pedophilia has lagged behind the developments in assessment methods.

有必要加强我国恋童癖研究并进行跨文化的比较。The study about pedophilia in our country should be strengthened for comparison in cross-cultural research.

这里有个行动迹象来企图制定可接受的恋童癖,这样这些无辜孩子们的生活就被全世界给毁掉了。There is a move afoot to make pedophilia acceptable, so that the lives of innocent children can be destroyed the world over.

嗯,要抬杠的话,恋童癖同样也在其他哺乳动物的群落中出现,所以我们也要接受这是“自然现象”吗。Well, to play devil's advocate, pedophilia likewise exists in other mammal communities so are we to accept it being "natural" too.

在迈克尔杰克逊2005年的娈童案中,奥普拉曾经因在在法庭审判时大肆谈论恋童癖而陷入非议。Oprah has once landed on hot water over her coverage of pedophilia during jury deliberations in Michael Jackson's molestation trial in 2005.

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人们越来越清楚的认识到,教皇作为梵蒂冈教廷近20年的管理者,教皇将来处理恋童癖丑闻并无大的区别。It is becoming clear that, as a Vatican administrator for two decades, the future pope handled the pedophilia scandal with no great distinction.

然而心理学家强调,药物注射及与心理治疗师交谈不过是个开始,因为恋童癖是种慢性病。Psychiatrists stress, however, that a few injections of medication and some sessions with a psychotherapist are just the beginning. Pedophilia is a chronic disorder.

叙利亚针锋相对提出的声明说,保护同性恋可能导致让原本应该受到谴责的行为,包括恋童癖在内,被社会正常化和合法化。A rival statement presented by Syria said protecting homosexuality could lead to social normalization and possibly legalization of deplorable acts, including pedophilia.

叙利亚针锋相对提出的声明说,保护同性恋可能导致让原本应该受到谴责的行为,包括恋童癖在内,被社会正常化和合法化。N. declaration. A rival statement presented by Syria said protecting homosexuality could lead to social normalization and possibly legalization of deplorable acts, including pedophilia.

这名男子名叫约翰·克拉克,生于1954年,是美国联邦调查局通缉的100名要犯之一,因在美国犯下恋童和性侵犯等罪被联邦调查局搜寻多年。The man named John Clark, born in 1954, is wanted by the FBI is one of 100 fugitives, as in the United States committed pedophilia and sexual abuse and other crimes by the FBI search for many years.