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他还热衷于法国象征主义诗歌。He was also attracted by the French symbolist poetry.

象征主义者之墨守原文,唯美主义,反映浪子与城市的关系。Symbolist Textuality, Aestheticism, Relation to Image the Flaneur and the City.

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魔幻诗学和智性诗学是其象征主义诗歌理论的核心组成部分。Yeats s creating of poetry was guided by his unique symbolist critical principles.

魔幻诗学和智性诗学是其象征主义诗歌理论的核心组成部分。Magical poetics and intellectual poetics were essential parts of his symbolist poetics.

象征主义诗人李金发与波德莱尔在他们的诗歌中均表现出忧郁这一重要特征。Symbolist poets LI Jin-fa and Baudelaire have shown in their poems the major character of melancholy.

自然主义者只重视生活的表面,并在戏剧中对其作忠实记录。Zolaist regarded drama as the records of the life, while Symbolist denied physical movement in the drama.

受到象征主义诗人的影响,保罗·高更成为19世纪象征主义绘画的领军人物。By the symbolism of the impact of the poet, Paul·High has become the 19th-century Symbolist painting leader.

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李金发的象征主义诗歌深受西方现代艺术影响,有着很大的诗名。The symbolist poetry by Li Jinfa, which is under the deep influence of western modern art, is of great fame.

首先,梳理了象征主义诗学的核心概念,契合、暗示、纯诗。Firstly, it puts into order the key concepts of symbolist poetics, correspondence, implication and pure poetry.

象征主义对中国文学产生过巨大而又深刻的影响,并由此形成了中国的象征主义文学。Symbolism has exerted great and deep influence on the Chinese literature and hence Chinese symbolist literature.

戴望舒诗论的主要特征与法国象征派诗论的基本特点有诸多契合。Much affinity exists between the main features of Dai Wangshu's poetics and the essential characteristics of the French symbolist poetics.

然后是英国演员本威士肖令人称赞地扮演了亚瑟,以此向迪伦欣赏的法国天才诗人亚瑟兰波表示敬意。Then there's British actor Ben Whishaw, dandied up as Arthur in tribute to Dylan's admiration for the French symbolist poet Arthur Rimbaud.

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整个机制以符号论为方法论,以语义学和生物学为理论基础,鲜明地体现出朗格理论的特性。Based upon linguistic and biological theory and symbolist methodology, the whole mechanism reflects the main feature of Susanne Langer's theory.

这一时期的文学象征思想对后世的象征理论和各类解释学都有启发意义,因此具有相当的研究价值。The symbolic thought in European literature of Middle Ages, which enlightened symbolist theory and Hermeneutic of later ages, is worth researching.

寻求语言、形式的张力,是蓝星诗社诗人在接受西方象征主义文学时的较为一致的取向和审美选择。The Blue Star Poetic Group holds identical views with the Western symbolist literature on creating a tension between language and contextual construction.

西方象征主义诗学的诞生与形而上本体追求有关,受本体追求的影响而逐渐形成象征这一整体性的言说策略。The birth of the west symbolist poetics had some link with the subjective pursuit of metaphysics, and came to integrate symbolism, the speech strategy with wholeness.

象征主义对中国文学的影响渗透在小说、诗歌、戏剧、散文等各个方面,并在此基础上形成了中国的象征主义诗学。Its influence on the Chinese literature finds expression in such aspects as fiction, poetry, drama and prose. And on this basis, Chinese symbolist poetics came into being.

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布朗肖沿用了象征主义诗人斯忒法·马拉美叙述作为反现实主义语言,与日常经验相异的文学语言概念的作品。Blanchot draws on the work of the symbolist poet Stéphane Mallarmé in formulating his conception of literary language as anti-realist and distinct from everyday experience.

本文描述了一种联接机制与符号机制的集成方法,其关键是提出导入导出函数,进而给出了这些函数的定义。This paper describes an approach to integrating connectionist and symbolist. The main idea is to present Afferent and Efferent functions. Their definitions are also given in details.

优雅的东西方风格的天然结合,这种神韵在这幅油画和中国画技法合璧的象征派图画中展现得淋漓尽致。This romantic charm, the natural comBination of graceful Eastern and Western style , has Been shown most incisively on the symBolist painting with skills of Both oil painting and Chinese painting.