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公元前12年它被罗马人移到亚历山大。C. It was removed to Alexandria in 12 B.

四季保健一枝独秀一切在亚历山德里亚。Four Seasons care outshines all else in Alexandria.

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这是著名的西奥菲勒斯,牧首亚历山大。It was the well-known Theophilus , Patriarch of Alexandria.

欢迎来到埃及圣斯特凡诺亚历山大四季酒店。Welcome to Four Seasons Hotel Alexandria at San Stefano, Egypt.

他毕业于亚历山大大学,专业为医学。Dr Alwan graduated in Medicine from the University of Alexandria.

第一个病例是亚历山大省的一名13岁男童。The first case is a 13 year-old male from Alexandria Governorate.

当阿拉伯人征服埃及时,惊羡于亚历山大城和它的财富。When the Arabs conquered Egypt, they admired Alexandria and its wealth.

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古亚历山大图书馆在克利奥帕特拉统治期间被毁坏了。The ancient library of Alexandria was destroyed during Cleopatra's reign.

他的这支军队有三万人,驻扎在阿林顿和亚历山大军事基地。He had more than thirty thousand men at bases in Arlington and Alexandria.

亚历山卓图书馆究竟发生什麽事至今仍是个谜。What happened to the Royal Library of Alexandria is still a mystery today.

另一个出现的时间要晚点,他是亚历山大的克雷芒。Another that existed a little bit later than this is Clement of Alexandria.

它是阿萨内修斯主教写的复活节书信,他是亚历山大市的主教。It's the Easter letter by the Bishop Athanasius, who was Bishop of Alexandria.

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它大多的荣耀已随亚历山大利亚长眠于二十英尺深的水底。Most of the glory that was ancient Alexandria now lies about 20 feet underwater.

故事从亚历山大图书馆被付诸一炬开始。When the great library of Alexandria burned, the story goes, one book was saved.

然而,在君士坦丁堡和亚历山大,他的支持,并埃利亚斯被废黜。However, at Constantinople and Alexandria he was supported, and Elias was deposed.

两三个星期以后,德军几乎兵临亚历山大城下。Within a couple of weeks, the germans stood practically at the gates of alexandria.

他很可能是一个早期基督学校的领导,这个基督学校位于埃及的亚历山大城。He was probably head of a catechetical school, a Christian school in Alexandria in Egypt.

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不,我的老师也是个卡尔迪亚人。可你为什么希望亚历山大的希腊人都死光呢?No, my master was also a Chaldean . But why wish for the death of Greeks from Alexandria?

达修亚历山大时期的希腊主教,是基督教正统教派反对阿里乌斯教义的主要保卫者。Greek patriarch of alexandria and leading defender of Christian orthodoxy against arianism.

他是谁?一个来自亚历山大贫民窟的,象托勒密一样的卑劣的人?Who was he? A lowlife from the slums of Alexandria who hangs out with the likes of Ptolemy?