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科学家称估计蒙特塞拉特岛上有几千只。Scientists estimate a few thousand live on Montserrat.

梅根到蒙特塞拉特后受到欢迎,最初也平安无事。Megan's arrival on Montserrat was both welcoming and initially uneventful.

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蒙特塞拉特岛政府宣布吊销311家银行机构的从业许可证。The Montserrat government announced its revocation of 311 banking licences.

蒙瑟雷特认为,陵墓的发现其实对塔特王的灵魂有益。Montserrat actually sees the discovery of the tomb as beneficial to King Tut's soul.

来自加勒比小岛蒙特塞拉特岛的经历证明了这种数据是非常宝贵的。Experience from the small Caribbean island of Montserrat shows such data can be invaluable.

蒙瑟雷特发现这种诅咒的构想是小说家简·劳敦在180年前创作的。Montserrat has found that the idea of a curse was created 180 years ago by novelist Jane Loudon.

将捕猎放在一旁不谈,由于活火山,在蒙特塞拉特这种青蛙的数目已经不断减少。Hunting aside, the number of frogs already were dwindling in Montserrat because of the active volcano.

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梦塞拉特岛是加勒比海上的一个美丽小岛,仅有16千米长,10千米宽。Montserrat is a beautiful small island in the Caribbean, only 16 kilometres long and 10 kilometres wide.

这两张伪色图像分别呈现了蒙特塞拉特岛在圆顶塌陷前后的景象。These false-color satellite images show the southern half of Montserrat before and after the dome collapse.

1995年,沉睡了350年的加勒比海蒙特塞拉岛的苏弗里埃尔火山醒了。In 1995, the Soufriere Hills Volcano on the Caribbean island of Montserrat roared to life after slumbering for 350 years.

2001年,蒙特塞拉特的加勒比岛屿的Soutriere火山喷发,大雨是主要原因。In 2001, a major eruption of the Soufrière Hills volcano on the Caribbean island of Montserrat was set in motion by particularly heavy rainfall.

已故的埃及古物学者多米尼克·蒙特塞拉特对此进行了全面的研究,最后总结这个概念是从19世纪伦敦一种奇怪的“脱衣舞”开始的。The late Egyptologist Dominic Montserrat conducted a comprehensive search and concluded that the concept began with a strange "striptease" in 19th-century London.

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蒙特塞拉特认为,没有包裹的真正埃及木乃伊的现场展示激发了第一个作家写木乃伊复仇的故事,其他作家也就跟随其后。Montserrat believed that a lively stage show in which real Egyptian mummies were unwrapped inspired first one writer, and subsequently several others, to pen tales of mummy revenge.