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这个成语把我搞胡涂了。This idiom baffles me.

他有独特的习惯用语。He has a peculiar idiom.

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嗬,你知道这成语什么意思吗?Oh, you do know this idiom?

“喜上眉梢”是个成语。"Xi shang meishao" is an idiom.

在我们家这条成语都被用滥了。The idiom was overworn by my family.

这个习语应列入哪个词条项下?What word does this idiom come under?

李代桃僵这个成语来自于一首古老的民歌。This idiom comes from a old folk song.

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有少在它的希伯来文的成语。There is less in it of the Hebrew idiom.

什么形象或习语能让意思更明白?What image or idiom will make it clearer?

要闹清楚每个习惯用语的意思是不容易的。Not every idiom translates with such ease.

那么,非整数数字进入成语了吗?So, non-integer numbers into the idiom it?

成语“画饼充饥”就来自于皇帝所说的话。The idiom came from what the emperor said.

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要闹清楚每个习惯用语的意思是不容易的。Resembling or having the nature of an idiom.

大学的校门上刻着一馈谚语。An idiom was engraved at the university gate.

只有当证明了一个新的习惯用法更好时吗?Is it when a new idiom is measurably better ?

“望梅止渴”这个成语比喻用空想来安慰自己。This idiom means to comfort oneself with fantasy.

本文对梅县熟语进行了初步研究。This paper make a primary study on Meixian idiom.

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你在第一部分十五道成语测验题中答对了五道。You got a l5 out of 15 on your Part 1 idiom quiz!

英语成对词是一种特殊的习语。Twin words in English are a special kind of idiom.

“杞人忧天”这个成语讥笑那些没有必要或毫无根据的忧虑。This idiom satirizes those who worry unnecessarily.