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卢顿市位于伦敦的北部。Luton is located north of London.

如果我没记错的话,他住在卢顿。If I recall correctly, he lives in Luton.

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卢顿国际机场是伦敦主要的客运机场之一。Luton International is one of London's main passenger airports.

很多年前卢顿和QPR也是人造草皮,我们也踢得不错。When Luton and QPR had them all those years ago we always played well on them.

其他的照片则是摄于伦敦郊外的卢顿机场。Other photos show Pitt, Jolie and 3-year-old Maddox at Luton Airport outside London.

两年前的突出表现将给予卢顿很好的帮助。The fact Luton had a right good go at them two years ago will stand them in good stead.

如果他觉得卢顿机场停车一天收费5.4英镑太贵的话,他应该试试停在希思罗机场。If he thinks 5.4a day for parking at LUton Airport is a rip –off , he should try heathrow.

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而下个月与卢顿城的足总杯比赛,哈维或许可以试试再从后场来个惊世吊射。And with a return FA Cup match to Luton Town Xabi might try scoring from his own half again.

你是否知道哪个哪个年轻队员要参加同卢顿的比赛?Do you know which of the younger players in the squad you are likely to take to face Luton ?

他质问我为什么我暑假可以在Luton打工赚钱却非要去美国?Why spend the summer in America, he reasoned, when I could spend it making money working in Luton?

当Stuart发现这件事情,晚上从卢顿来到伦敦陪我一起玩直到我心情变好。Well as soon as Stuart found out he came from Luton to London late evening and cheered me up until I felt okay.

利物浦进展到足总杯第四轮以5-0战胜卢顿镇。这是这场比赛的图片。Liverpool progressed to the FA Cup fourth round with a 5-0 victory over Luton Town. Here's the match in pictures.

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卢顿的每个人都期望着足总杯赛事中利物浦队的来访,因为这对他们来说是一场非常重要的比赛。他说。"Everyone at Luton will look forward to the Reds' visit in the FA Cup as it is a very big game for them, " he said.

就像买了到伦敦的汽车票,结果把我送到了卢顿的郊外,我不免愤愤不平。It was like buying a coach ticket to London, then being left on the outskirts of Luton. Strong words were expressed.

去年,法官驳回了莎宾娜贝古在学校准许穿穆斯林外袍的上诉。Last year, the Law Lords rejected Shabina Begum's appeal for permission to wear a Muslim gown at her school in Luton.

她坚持要住在泰晤士河北边,尽可能地方便自己出伦敦回卢顿市探望家人的旅程。She insisted on living north of the river to make the journey out of London to see her family in Luton as easy as possible.

杰拉德、阿北罗阿和奥类里奥都已被排除在周日足总杯第三轮在卢顿城的比赛名单之外。Steven Gerrard, Alvaro Arbeloa and Fabio Aurelio have all been ruled out of Sunday's FA Cup third round clash at Luton Town.

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卢顿区理事会称,目前该机构正在等待有关空中婚礼方案的所有详细内容,之后才能评估其是否可行。Luton Borough Council said it was awaiting full details of the proposal before assessing whether it could approve in-flight weddings.

约翰·奥尔德里奇支持红军在今天下午对卢顿的比赛中避免阴沟翻船,保留他们的温布利之梦。John Aldridge is backing Liverpool to avoid this afternoon's potential FA Cup banana skin at Luton and keep their Wembley dreams on track.

拉法·贝尼特斯今天确认,卡拉格将在对阵卢顿的比赛中担任利物浦的队长,这是他第500次为俱乐部出场。Rafael Benitez today confirmed Jamie Carragher will captain Liverpool on his 500th appearance for the club against Luton Town tomorrow night.