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我要说说社会主义。I want to mention socialism.

他们表示拥护社会主义。They declared for socialism.

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有些人可能会嘲笑这是社会主义。Some might deride this as socialism.

许多人认为这才是社会主义。Many people think that this is socialism.

但是他表示社会主义并非资本主义。But, he says, socialism is not capitalism.

我国正处于社会主义初级阶段。China is at the primary stage of socialism.

它信奉社会主义和社会正义。It believed in socialism and social justice.

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于是,光明的社会主义时代就将永久存在下去。Then the everlasting age of socialism dawns.

发展有中国特色的社会主义。Devlop socialism with Chinese characteristics!

它还是一种特殊形式的社会主义。It was also socialism of a particular variety.

吉盖斯发现了社会主义,心情豁然开朗。Jurgis discovers socialism and gets all happy.

我们应当在社会主义的旗帜下团结起来。We should rally under the banner of socialism.

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谁是社会主义的奠基人。Who is the founder of the scientific socialism?

你是对的,我们正走在通往社会主义的康庄大道上。You are right, we are in the path to socialism.

社会主义真好,我们美国人也想拥有它!Socialism is so good, we Americans want it, too!

我们在为社会主义的伟大事业而奋斗。We are fighting for the great cause of socialism.

我们对社会主义主要矛盾产生了偏见。We had bias on the main contradiction of socialism.

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发展是社会主义的根本任务。Development is the fundamental mission of Socialism.

中国人民鼓足干劲建设社会主义。Chinese people go all out the construction socialism.

即使社会主义也无法改变这些本体论的事实。Socialism cannot alter these basic ontological facts.