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有一家酒馆紧挨着商店。The shop is next door to the tavern.

士兵们不允许去酒馆。The tavern is off limits to soldiers.

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有一家酒馆紧挨着商店。A tavern or an inn providing such a meal.

朱彪确实是内心仇恨极深,在酒馆借酒消愁。Zhu Biao is indeed a deep inner hatred, in the tavern.

我们来到一家酒馆,门楣上爬满籐蔓。Then we came to a tavern with vine-leaves over the lintel.

丈夫们逃离了自己的家,聚集在小酒馆借酒消愁。The husbands fled their homes and congregated in the tavern.

日本一家传统日式酒馆"聘用"了一对短尾猿当服务员,还让它们穿得人模人样。A Japanese tavern has employed 2 macaques to serve its customers.

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这厨房自己做的替换,倒不如说我们解集的酒馆儿。The Is Kitchens Diy Replace, Or Rather Our Solution Set A Tavern.

1841年JohnathanFaust在Centralia开办了公牛之头酒馆。In 1841, JohnathanFaust in Centralia opened the first Bulls tavern.

驿丞和客栈的老板愁得一筹莫展。Posthouse official and the owner of tavern are at a loss what to do.

酒馆乱斗将不会某名奇妙损失玩家的经验。Players should no longer experience ethereality issues after a tavern brawl.

饼确实是硬的,是我从酒店里带回来的一块大饼。Indeed, the cake was hard. A big ma'moul that I brought with me from the tavern.

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这4个男人一走进酒馆,老板格奥尔基·蒂姆科就知道他们是来找麻烦的。Georgi Timko knew the four men were trouble the moment they walked into his tavern.

也许你应该考虑换一份事业,酒馆的地下搏击者可以使你收入不菲。Maybe you should consider a change of career. Tavern brawlers can make a decent wage.

起初是一首战士行军的歌,后来是一首小客栈的风尘小调,再后来是一首摇篮曲。She sang a soldiers' marching chant, and then a dirty tavern song, and then a lullaby.

那是一个冬日傍晚,镇民在白马酒店小聚。It began on a winter's evening, when the townsfolk were gathering in the White Horse Tavern.

他等到枪声响起,才透过天窗朝阴暗的酒馆内看去。He waited until he heard shots. Then he peered through the skylight, into the darkened tavern.

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在桥的另一端,有卡姆登洛克酒廊、卡姆登洛克酒馆。I mean, just on the other side of the bridge, yeah, the Camden Lock Lounge, Camden Lock Tavern.

旧的木屋里面没有涂油漆,屋顶上有一艘巨大的独木舟,木屋有个不吉利的名字——白水小酒馆。The old unpainted shack also had a big canoe on the roof and an ominous name, the Whitewater Tavern.

林登把一院传统的白族民居,修复成为当地最受世界游客欢迎的客栈。Brian restored a traditional Bai-style house into the most popular local tavern for foreign tourists.