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紫草是临床常用中药,具有悠久的入药历史。Lithospermum has been widely used in clinic for a long time.

中国产紫草属和软紫草属分类的研究。A study on the taxonomy and distribution of Lithospermum and Arnebia China.

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治慢性支气管炎紫草30克,决明子25克,水煎服,每日1剂。Treatment of chronic bronchitis of Lithospermum 30 grams, 25 grams of cassia, Shuijianbi, daily 1 agent.

因此,有意受孕及不需终止妊娠的妇女均不应使用紫草。Therefore Lithospermum can not be used in those who intend to conceive or do not need to terminate pregnancy.

结论所建尺度可用于紫草消炎片的质量节制。Conclusion The established standard can be used for quality control of Lithospermum anti-inflammatory tablets.

通过选择液体石蜡为有机溶剂,对紫草细胞进行了双液相培养。Two phase culture erythrorhizon of lithospermum cells were carried out using paraffin liquid as the second phase.

紫草是一种重要的中草药材,其培养细胞在M9培养基中可以大量生产主要的药物成分紫草宁。The shikonin and its derivatives is produced industrially by suspension cultured Lithospermum erythrorhizon cells in M9 medium.

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可见滇紫草及露蕊滇紫草间氨基酸和元素含量没有重大的差异。It concludes there are no significant difference in amino acid and elements among these two kinds of Lithospermum erythrorhizon Sieb. et Zucc.

深蓝、炭灰等沉实的色彩,以及深红、翠绿这些色彩也能很好地突出开朗的个性只要选择合理。Blue and ashes, and the color of the genus lithospermum as scarlet, green these color can also very good to highlight the rational choice as cheerful personality.

本文研究了用海藻酸钙小球固定法进行紫草细胞的培养利用原地浸取法提高紫草宁产量的途径。In the paper, author studyed the enhanced shikonin production from Lithospermum erythrorhizon by in situ extraction and calcium alginate bead immobilization plant cell cultures.

以大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、根霉、毛霉等为指示菌,考察不同紫草素添加量对紫草涂膜剂抑菌活性的影响。E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Rhizopus, Mucor, etc. were the indicators. This essay investigated the effect of different alkannin content on bacteriostatic activity of the Lithospermum plastic.