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羽海野绘制!Feather sea wild draw!

天羽儿惊叫。Day feather son scream.

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用羽毛来铺垫自己的巢。To feather one's own nest.

每只肩上都长着羽翅!A Feather on each shoulder!

他们都有是一丘之貉。They are birds of a feather.

我们要把他涂上柏油粘上羽毛。We will tar and feather him.

一根羽毛刚好掉在我身上。A feather just dropped on me!

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他又伸下手去搔一搔脚脖子。I tickled him with a feather.

这只小鸡很快就要长羽毛了。The chick will soon feather out.

羽毛飘摇落地。The feather wavered to the floor.

他用羽毛搔我的脚。He tickled my feet with a feather.

蓦地,羽毛在眼前消失了。Suddenly, the feather disappeared.

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物以类聚。Birds of a feather flock to gather.

但白羽毛将不会看见它。But White Feather shall not see it.

茵郁市的羽翼嘉年华会!Hiwamaki City's Feather Carnival! !

物以类聚,人以群分“"Birds of a feather flock together?"

用眼罩,羽毛.......Blindfold your partner. Use a feather.

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它就像一根羽毛一般,漂浮在碧波上。It floated like a feather on the waves.

天使的羽毛降落在我的面前。The cherubic feather falls in my front.

羽毛轻盈地飘在空中。The feather floated lightly in the air.