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不把这个杂种弄痛、弄伤、弄残绝不善罢干休。Hurt, injure, or otherwise maim the bastard.

使它残废或者杀死它,这样它就不能飞行了。Maim it or kill it such that it couldn't fly.

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汽车车祸每年使许多人残废。Automobile accidents maim many people each year.

他们就攻破以云,但,亚伯玛音,和拿弗他利一切的积货城。They conquered Ijon, Dan, Abel Maim and all the store cities of Naphtali.

无人机袭击杀死、致残和伤害了好多平民,美国研究说。Drone strikes kill, maim and traumatize too many civilians, U. S. study says.

十分必要为如何阻止在中学阶段变成脑残开一门课程。It's very necessary to open education for prevention of maim in middle school.

是的,再一次的,孩子们又可以自由地奔跑、扔掷和互相伤害了。Yes, once again, children would be free to run, throw and half maim each other.

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它们没有就餐礼仪,人们知道它们只会乱叫、乱咬甚至会伤人。Their table manners are negligible. They're known to shed, bark, growl and bite, even maim.

恐怖分子就是那些有意的杀死或致残平民以传播恐惧从而达到政治目的的一群人。Terrorists are those who intentionally kill or maim civilians to sow fear for political ends.

我愿意宽恕那些拥有极大仇恨以至于杀害或致残他人的祖先们。I intend to forgive those ancestors who hated so greatly that they would kill or maim another human.

早课仪式是修道者日常所必须修持的功课,其中贯穿着仪式音乐的进行。Maim is the assignment a Taoist must fulfill on daily basis, which is accompanied all through by the ritual music.

因为他们觉得“笑”会打击信心,对待别人应该肯定和表扬。They think people should be treated with acknowledgement and appreciation, and laughing will maim people's confidence.

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对郑州纺机新研制的伺服传动型平网印花机的主要构成及特点进行了介绍及分析。The maim structure and characteristics of the new servo-drive type flat screen printing machine are presented with analyses.

割碎仍然可以造成昏迷效果,这同样会停止目标的施法,除非目标在收益递减之下或者受到某种防护效果。Maim still works as a stun, which will also stop casting unless the target is under DR or otherwise has some kind of protection.

他对宠爱的妃子言听计从,营造“酒池肉林”以供享乐,发明才酷的刑罚来残害臣民,甚至还曾活活挖出劝诫他的大臣的心脏。For instance, he had a "pond of wine and a forest of meat" constructed only to please his favorite concubine. He devised horrible tortures to maim people.

根据不同情况选取适合算法,达到聚焦器在人工动物取食记忆实现中的有效性。Selected the algorithm according to the different situation, which could maim the focuser achieve the validity of the realization of artificial animal food memory.

不仅人们已经发现的他们杀害和弄残他们的幼仔,它们还会杀死鼠海豚,玩弄鼠海豚的尸体,并且毫无理由,似乎只为了玩耍。Not only have they been known to kill and maim their own young, they also kill porpoises and play with their dead carcass for no apparent reason other than its fun.

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玻璃保温瓶胆长度控制是当前保温瓶胆生产中影响成品率的主要原因。The control of the length of thermos glass liners is the maim cause that affects the rate of finished products in the production of thermos glass liners at present.

他拥有不凡的迅敏与灵活,而据说他还可变形成一头巨狼,以更强大的速度与耐力将猎物打至残废、掏抓粉碎,无所赦免。He is also unnaturally quick and agile. Some say he can even transform into a giant wolf, giving him more durability and the speed to gouge and maim with near impunity.

女王之所以没有杀死我的母亲蓝烟,其实是想让她亲眼看见我现在的残状,这个女人,真的好毒啊!Queen of so the blue smoke of the mother who didn't kill me, in fact want that making her penetrate with own eyes me is current of maim manner, this female, really like poison!