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仇敌亵渎你的名,要到永远吗?Will the foe revile your name forever?

他这样咒骂的女人,可是你的妻子,你竟然受得了!You suffer him to revile her who is your wife!

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希望麦迪不会再遭受中国伪球迷的谩骂!Hope McGrady not revile the pseudo fans in China!

你清楚他蓄意咒骂的人就是我。You know well that it is I whom he seeks to revile.

他们害怕如果把他惹恼他会痛骂他们。They feared that he would revile them if they displeased him.

很有可能,泰兰只会为我所做的辱骂我。More than likely, Taelan would only revile me for what I've done.

不管对其向往还是痛斥,人们都承认这项法案是历史性的。Relish it or revile it, everyone agrees that the bill is historic.

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为此,我们痛斥中国人,而同时又不断地从事着把自己的孩子变成道德上的怪兽的行为。We revile them for it and proceed to make moral monsters of our own children.

少山带她从记者堆中逃脱,并把她辱骂游客的片段给她看。Less belts her escape from JiZheDui and revile the fragment of visitors to her.

对这恐惧之源的自身,哪个智者会不当作怨敌一样瞋恨呢?This body, then, this source of so much fear – who would not revile it as the worst of enemy?

媒体们唾骂,这个糟老头子要毁了西班牙队,68岁的人确实老眼昏花了。The medias revile the old fellow inclines to destroy the team Spain. The 68-years-old man is a dotard.

在放弃自己的头脑给某个可能辱骂你、使你困惑且苦恼的人之前,一定要三思。Think twice before you give up your own mind to someone who may revile you, leaving you confused and upset.

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一旦你清楚了解这点,你将较少感受到别人的侮辱,即使他们恶言相向也一样。Once you clearly understand this , you will be less likely to feel affronted by others , even if they revile you.

人若因我辱骂你们,逼迫你们,捏造各样的坏话毁谤你们,你们就有福了。Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake.

一些东非的穆斯林团体会辱骂狗,因为他们相信是它们吃了先知穆罕默德的尸体。Some Muslim communities in East Africa revile dogs because they believe that canines ate the body of the Prophet Muhammad.

看看悲哀的人啊!用橄榄枝迎接耶稣荣进耶路撒冷,却用唾骂驱赶耶稣走向死亡。To see such doleful people! People welcome Jesus into Jerusalem with olive branch, however they drive Jesus into death with revile.

人们很长时间以来一直认为塔利班憎恶现代科技特别是被他们辱骂的来自西方世界的东西。The Taliban have long been known as haters of modern technology, certainly the kind that comes out of the Western world they revile.

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“公牛”在他生命尽头时所感到的最为担心的是他没有为他的人民尽力战斗,为此他们也许会斥责他。Sitting Bull’s greatest fear at the end of his life was that he had not fought hard enough for his people and that they might revile him.

他不惧失败地咒骂,却不明白那仅是一种必要的在一连串注定的不幸中能让他和她相见的联结。He dared revile no seeming failure, not knowing but just that was the necessary link in the chain of accidents destined to bring him face to face with her.

每当谩骂、恶意中伤别人后,你一定会出现无所适从的空白、无聊和空虚,为了弥补这无聊的空虚,只好用更恶劣的语言去谩骂和中伤他人,越是恶劣的语言说出口之后,出现这种空虚和无聊就越严重。To fill the boredom and emptiness you have to revile and slander with even more stridency. Once those strident words leave your mouth your feeling of boredome and emptiness will increase.