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我打喷嚏。I sneeze.

不要浪费了你的喷嚏。Don't waste your sneeze.

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飞尘使他打喷嚏。The dust made him sneeze.

她打了一个很响的喷嚏。She let out a loud sneeze.

我鼻子发痒,想打喷嚏。My nose tickles and I sneeze.

我吹冷气会打喷嚏。Air conditioners make me sneeze.

打喷嚏时要掩着嘴巴。Cover your mouth when you sneeze.

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我们在干草堆里跳跃,喷嚏声如此响亮。We jump in hay and sneeze so loud

我吹冷气会打喷嚏。Air conditioner can make me sneeze.

当你感冒时,为什么会打喷嚏?Why do you sneeze when you get a cold?

亚历克斯。李可以睁着眼打喷嚏。Alex Lee can sneeze with his eyes open.

首先,让我们来了解一下人为什么会打喷嚏。First of all lets take a look at why we sneeze.

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这些喇嘛戴上口罩,以防自己打喷涕。The monks are wearing masks in case they sneeze.

要是打喷嚏用力过猛,你可能会折断肋骨的。If you sneeze too hard, you could fracture a rib.

咳嗽或打喷嚏时,请掩著口鼻。Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.

打喷嚏时用手帕捂住嘴。Put a handkerchief over your mouth when you sneeze.

人打喷嚏,嘴里的气流速度超过每小时100英里!A sneeze travels out your mouth at over 100 m. p. h!

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我想我感冒了,鼻子发痒打喷嚏。I think I have a nose cold. My nose tickles and I sneeze.

无人知晓打喷嚏时会闭眼的缘由。No one knows the reason you close your eyes when you sneeze.

如果你用手捂嘴咳嗽或打喷嚏后也应该洗手。You should also wash if you cough or sneeze into your hands.