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买一个魔方。Buy a Rubix Cube.

立方体有六面。A cube has six sides.

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我叫它冰立方。I call it the ice cube.

立方体是正多面体。A cube is a regular solid.

长方体、正方体、圆柱体。Cuboid, cube and cylinder.

鸟巢和水立方的景象非常壮观。Bird's Nset and Water Cube.

但是好魔方有帮助的。But a good cube helps out alot.

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如果把3自乘两次,得数为27。If you cube 3,the result is 27.

请递给我一块方糖。Please pass me a cube of sugar.

方方正正的水立方。Right-angled walls of Water Cube.

土豆首先削皮,切块。First, peel and cube the potatoes.

我就来试试锯冰块,锯得太差,造不成冰屋。I try out sawing up a big ice cube.

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在制冰盒中装满柠檬汁。Fill ice cube trays with lemon juice.

在时间创生之前,就有了立方体。Before time began, there was the Cube.

形状象菱形或长斜方形的。Having the approximate shape of a cube.

他昨天买了一斤方糖。He bought a jin of cube sugar yesterday.

好奇的来克进入到魔方世界里。Curious tog into the rubik"s cube world."

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这个联结可以在多维数据集模型中找到。This join can be found in the cube model.

动态交叉表和数据立方体特性。The dynamic Crosstab and data cube feature.

只要一颗糖跟低脂奶精就好。One cube of sugar and low-fat cream, please.