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我们高兴地看到,我们的技术人员协助你如此干练。We are pleased that our technical staff assisted you so capably.

即便他是一个小偷,有时他也可能是一个“好人”。Even though he is a cutpurse, sometimes, he will capably be a good man.

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南希正在熟练地汇集她自己的和其他人提供给她的材料。Nancy was assembling the facts capably -her own, and others fed to her.

如果连小事都无法管理得当,又哪有能力去处理大事?If one handles small matters poorly, how can one handle large matters capably?

专家认为南方古猿阿法种是一种可以用双腿行走的动物。Scholars agree that A. afarensis was a creature that got around capably on two legs.

现代科技还没有达到能够让方便食品达到能象一般食品那么的有营养。Morden science and technology has not developed capably enough to make instant food as nutrient as normal food.

只有这样,他才能真正加深对中学数学的理解,从而毕业后较好地担任教学工作。Only through these courses could he understand the school mathematics deeply and after his graduation teach it capably.

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这些中心的职员由牙医、化学家、冶金专家、烤瓷工程师和实验技师组成。These centers are capably staffed by dentists and graduate chemists, llurgists, ceramic engineers and laboratory technicians.

佩洛西的支持者保持她已经证明,她可以干练挑战共和党和保护她的党的核心原则。Pelosi's supporters maintain she has demonstrated that she can capably challenge the GOP and protect her party's core principles.

住房,坚固耐用,低压铸铝合金框架才华共振支持重磁结构和运动部件。HOUSING A rugged, low-resonance frame of diecast aluminum alloy capably supports the heavy magnetic structure and the moving parts.

诗歌利用原始的图画,黑白的底板,计算机程序技术为本书绘图,更精彩地讲述故事。The text has been capably illustrated in a complex process utilizing original drawings, black-and-white scratchboard, and a computer program for color.

我们所投资的电力项目尽可能地依靠本地的人才进行管理,并辅之以现代化的财务和管理制度以及合理的培训计划。Our power plants are capably managed by local teams who are equipped with modern financial and management systems and provided with appropriate training.

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无论我们写程序的能力有多强,从可能出现的各种错误中仍可以看出,应该对程序进行检测以确保模块编码正确。No matter how capably we write programs, it is clear from the variety of possible errors that we should check to insure that our modules are coded correctly.

无论我们写程序的能力有多强,从可能出现的各种错误中仍可以看出,应该对程序进行检测以确保模块编码正确。No matter how capably we write programs, it is clear front the variety of possible errors that we should check to insure that our modules are coded correctly.

某一刻,CIO必须立即能够讨论和考虑公司的战略方向,而随后的下一秒钟有必须考虑一个复杂的技术问题。At one moment, CIOs must readily and capably discuss and consider the strategic direction of their company, and seconds later consider a complex technical problem.

事实上,用户高度重视这一事实的多功能装置的干练与纾缓,将安置在小空间,例如在夹克的口袋。Indeed user highly values that the fact that the multifunctional device capably with the ease will be accommodated in the small space, for example, in the pocket jacket.

伯克希尔不仅需要一个足可胜任的沃伦•巴菲特接班人来引领公司向前发展,还需要一个健全的董事会行使监督职能,以促进公司未来发展。It is not just Warren Buffett's successor who will need to navigate the company forward capably. Berkshire will also need the right kind of board to oversee and promote its future.

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他和其他大多数护框球员的区别是他有着能应付轮转换位的能力,以及挡拆后如有必要,对持球球员实施覆盖压迫,他一个人能防外围各个位置的球员。What separated him from most other rim protectors is his ability to capably switch and contain ball handlers in the P&R if need be, able to guard a wide variety of positions outside of his own.